Settle Down

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*Clementine's POV*
We kept walking down the road the same road circle J was on, we didn't see anyone Samuel knew and he said to just keep moving so that's what I did... Just kept moving I'm scared I know I shouldn't be I was out on my own for couple days but I am when I was alone I was at my house where I felt safe. Now I'm on an open road and I'm very scared...

I look at Samuel who seems to be upset and kinda in a rush then look down and can't help but think its my fault. I mean if I wasn't so nosey and I didnt have to find out what was in that room we would be fine and safe at the camp, but were not it's time for me to grow up learn to use a gun........ I can't I won't grow up its hard for a person like me to do things like this I know people think its easy but its really not. People miss judge us teenagers and just think we are drama.... Well was drama..... I don't know what to think anymore I look at the ground

"Samuel I'm sorry I didn't know that walkers were beh-....."

"Clementine you know what don't even try and Blame this on yourself it wasn't you... I should have explained or at least said something" he goes to stand in front of me and get down on his knees to be more level with me "it wasn't you it was me"

I sigh "No Samuel... Stop your always putting yourself down I won't allow it anymore. I know your upset I get that but you can't sit here and blame yourself..... Put yourself down"

He looks at me with sadness in his eyes "I'm sorry..."

I look at him for a second then I just hug him

I don't know why I hugged him or anything maybe it was the look in his eyes but I do know I can trust him now. I knew I would have to trust him sooner or later I'll half to get use to it trusting people or maybe I shouldn't trust people easily they might end up turning on me...... But I do trust Samuel why am I thinking about not trusting him

I then pull away and look at him in the eyes everything's gonna be weird today...............

I start walking again as he still stays on the ground he kinda looks stunned

"Follow me please" I say and look back actually wanting him to be in front of me. I want him to protect me though I feel scared. Should I ?

*Samuels POV*
I stand up and follow her

"Not like that" she sighs

Oh my god I hate that sound it makes me feel uneasy and like I am failing her.

"Lead the way" she says her words and makes them firm

I nod and get in front of her I mean I just don't want her to think its her fault when its mine.... See I have to put myself down because if I don't then my promise will be broken and I probably won't be able to help her find her mom...... Because I'll be gone but I can't tell her that it'll just make her upset... And I hate when she is upset to... Damn It!



I 'lead the way' like she wants me to I walk slow but I keep my head up and eyes open to see what is ahead of us. I have to watch for some of my people like Hannah, Claire, or Kate.

I need to find Kate... Kate is a person I love and I have something deeper that she can't know... Actually no one knows.... but I can't tell anyone because if I do they could kill me Kate or even Clementine and then it would be my fault.

"Damn it!" I here Clem say and turn to see what happen

"What is it ?" I look at her

"I lost a pack of gum I had" she giggles

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