Heart of Broken Dreams

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I decided not to tell him the truth because like I said a thousand times before I do not wanna talk its annoying me.... "Yeah I'm fine"

I then bring my hand to my face and brush all my lose strands off my face. I am hot although it's fall and everything but all this stuff going through my mind it's just working me up and I don't know what to do about this. Maybe i should just let it all go start again, maybe we both need to um.. we both need to do that. Me and Him as both had our mistakes, but i think that's what keeps us together and fighting...well him fighting, but i think its all the 'Drama' they we put on ourselves. It could also be that maybe we have feelings for another,but i don't know because yeah I have feelings for him but. I don't know if its love or disgust. Plus he is so much older than me... Okay I need to stop thinking so much

Me and him have been walking for a while but seems like nothkng without saying a word maybe he is just sacred or something, or maybe it just seems long but it really hasn't been you know how in like them talk shows... like Ellen they talk a lot but it wasn't that long...well this is without the talking... its thinking ?

I forgot it was raining i think i got lost in thought to much but when i came back to reality it hit me like a but i really wanna dance in this rain it is so wonderful.

''Sam.. Samuel do you like this rain ?" I look mat him

he nods his head, but he don't seem so sure of it. I'm not gonna question it though I don't wanna make an argument over something so stupid like this. I mean i would usually say something but this isn't worth it, especially with this rain it is so amazing I don't wanna ruin the moment. I decide to leave it alone all though it is really bugging me. I hate not knowing things I always ask questions I'm a curious person..... Things always make me mad if I don't know reasons.

''No rain kinda annoys me I've never really liked it'' he sighs but it's quite i think he is still upset but i really wanna move past this. i wanna get over it start building our relationship again.

I nod then look at my feet bring my right foot in front of my left foot as it is now dark and it stops raining.....

It's been five days since I climbed out of this tree and agreed to go with this Samuel. We only slept the first day i am really tired but I don't wanna stop moving we should really stop though we have been on the same road for a whole day, we both have to be tired and hungry.

''Samuel can we stop please my legs are killing me I need to rest I know you wanna find your people, but i cant go on like this'' my words are quite but i am sure he can here me

''Yeah sure just right here on the side of the road is that where you wanna stop so we can bet killed huh?" he must really be mad at me I don't know what for maybe it was because I was pushing him on the real reason he he went to my house..... maybe just because he's upset guys get upset and become mad right ?

''Samuel I'm sorry for what you are going through and what you are freaking thinking but you can not sit and take your shit out on me this is bullshit...'' I scream god sometimes he freaking annoys me so much i just wanna kill him UGH!!!

''You know what Clementine you can stop, but I'm not till we find a shelter or something.'' he wants to scream his words but he don't, I can just tell from his face he is holding back so much anger...

I nod ''okay Samuel were keep going'' I keep my voice steady and look in his eyes.

he don't do anything and just starts walking god I hate this side of him he needs to shape or I'm going to leave him and find my way back home, where I should be anyways. I shouldn't have left with him that day I was just scared I was really scared I didn't know what to do, but I didn't want to be alone...... that's scary to think of being alone you have no one but again it could be good to have the quietness.......

You know I hate this I had really big plans I was getting ready to go into highschool when this happen now I cant go to school and I cant get my school work done and then I cant graduate and become a doctor I really wanna be one I like helping people. Some can be so nice and you get to here there story of why there at the hospital..... Maybe we will find something to cure these things or maybe there just turn into the people they use to be.... but from the looks of everything I don't think anything good is gonna happen............ but now none of the things I wanted to do when I'm older can happen.... I miss my friends I mean I didn't have many but the ones I had were very nice to everyone, we tried to help others, but now I think helping people would just get you killed.

I'm following behind Samuel but i am not gonna say anything for a while because I think he is really really mad at me.....

*Samuel's POV*
I just wanna find Kate I didn't mean to snap at Clementine like that but it happened and now I don't think apologizing is the best thing to do....she usually don't agree to do things like that I mean I have only known her for what like five days...... but I know a lot about her and she don't know about me maybe I should tell her about my past but then she would think I am a horrible person my past is the worse i Did bad things that's how I knew Jace we were friends before this I hung out with people like the...... and Clem she was scared of him.... I was worse than him what would she think of me then........ I mean yeah me and Jace we were only 21 but I'm still that age but he was gonna kill a little girl..... couldn't let that happen even though I'm a dick......

my eyes shift left to right for anything I mean anyone.... I actually don't know what I am looking for.

I wanna be a better person I am trying the first thing I have to do is fix my heart its black inside me.....

my dreams were all shattered when I was a kid I had nothing ahead of me before this.

when I was 3 my dream was to be a prince but after that got shattered I never picked a job I wanted to have when I was older now I'm here and I have nothing... but the world is like this now I can change I can become a better person then I was..... Maybe people will see that people can change. this is gonna be hard for me though yeah I have came off nice so far by I can ruin things within seconds. I don't wanna mess up with my life this time.

I see a house up ahead but nothing stands by it. Clem and I should clear it out I mean there shouldn't be much in it or even by it. This is actually a surprise to me I thought we would be walking for at least the rest of the night before we found something to stay in. Clem should be happy though she was just complaining back there... my god this is why I have not been good with kids. Its because I am so mean, I'm try to fix that but its hard to fix something that's already broken.



we get to the house and look at Clementine "I'll clear it out then come get you, Okay?"

she surprises me when she puts her hand out "I want a gun" I don't know what to do or say

I look at her for what seems like five minutes "yeah uhh okay"I take my hand gun out of my holster and put it in her hand

I walk away walking in the small house



I walk back outside as Clem is sitting on a stair "it's clear come on it" she pushes past me and walks in sitting in a recliner. I walk in the kitchen and get a wooden chair then put it in front of her.

"Okay let's talk."

(Okay guys Im sorry this is really short for me I can do better but my next chapter is gonna be really really long)

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