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*Clementine POV*
I sit in this room filled with the people I love as they all talk, but there talking about me I don't think they realized I walked in.

"um can in help you... take out food or something mom" I say as my dress is dragging behind me.

She looks at me for a second then back at her 'girls' "um yeah sweetheart" she bends down on her knees "Can you drag the cooler out there ?"

I nod my head slowly "Um Yeah sure" I sigh when I'm done replying

She smiles and stand up going to the people that surrounded her minutes ago. I grab the cooler and start dragging it behind me so it can go outside. I open the door to the back patio walking out then shutting the door behind me. I see my dad coming towards me

"Oh sweetie you shouldn't be pulling this" he sounds like he just got defeated or something.......

My god they treat me like a baby, I can do things on my own, I don't even fucking need them.....



I swear my parents don't think about my feelings. I know they love me and will always love and support me, I am just asking to not get treated like a damn child now I am 14. My parents also don't respect me I hate this ....... I wish I was 18 so I could get out of this place!!!!

I look at dad for a second then turn away and go to my room, I sit on the edge of my bed and lay back "I just want this to stop" I close my eyes hoping to fall asleep.


My door swings open and I see my father and mother it is about 3 o'clock in the morning the party is over. I didn't know I actually fell asleep, I sit up quickly looking at them.

"Clem you have school in the morning"

I move up and cover myself up with my blanket leaving the dress on "I was just going back to sleep"

"Okay we just came to check on you" they smile and turn off the lights.

My eyes adjust to the darkness and I here my door shut... thank God I really am tiered...I don't know why though.....?



My eyes open as the sunlight hits me. Its hot against my skin, but it feels good because I am like freezing I know I shouldn't be but I am. I sit up in my bed and look at my clock that is next to my head it read "8:52""its to early to be up. I stand up and go to my closet looking through it grabbing a red shirt with Harry Potter on it and a pair of Lei jeans. I know my parents probably aren't up now and if they are there wonder why I'm up, I don't know what I'll tell... I'll tell them the truth but I don't know that they will believe me I never up this early, usually I'm up around 9:30-10:00. There be happy though because it's more time we get to spend together. My dad has to be at work by 10:00 am and I hardly be to see him but on weekends and my mom she has to leave at like 1:00pm I mean I see her but I don't see her much..... not like other kids see there parents. Well I don't know you understand my train of thought right now so...?

I pull my clothes over my body and go down the stairs heading to the bathroom. I walk in the bathroom and grab the hair brush ripping it through my hair, it kinda hurts but km use to it. I grab deodorant and apply it to my under arms because i don't wanna stink.... ew. I grab my tooth brush and brush my teeth for like ever. After I'm done with that I pull my hair over my left shoulder.

I walk to my refrigerator and grab a strawberry banana yogurt and sit at the table. I sit across from my father I always do when I see him.

"Morning Princess" he try to smile

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