Chpt. 13: Newfound Happiness (END)

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As Lucifer and Y/n emerged from the kitchen, ready to start their day at the Hazbin Hotel, they were met with a sea of curious eyes staring at them in shock. Especially at Y/n, who was wearing Lucifer's t-shirt and a pair of his shorts? The two exchanged a sheepish smile, knowing exactly what was on the minds of their friends.

'Looks like someone had a good night,' Angel Dust said slyly, winking at Y/n. 'You know, I never knew Lucifer was such a screamer.'

Y/n blushed, feeling a combination of embarrassment and amusement at Angel Dust's not-so-subtle joke. The rest of the crew laughed, knowing just how loud their boss and resident newcomer had been the previous night.

'I think I speak for everyone here when I say that we really appreciated the soundproofing,' Sir Pentious chimed in, earning himself a playful smack from Vaggie.

The laughter continued as everyone teased and joked about the events of the previous night. Even Niffty joined in, her usually sweet and innocent demeanor replaced with a surprising level of innuendo.

'Looks like Y/n finally decided to make a move on the short king,' Angel Dust teased, earning a blush from both Y/n and Lucifer.

'Wait, are you two together now?' Charlie asked, her face lighting up with excitement.

Lucifer glanced at Y/n, his eyes softening as he confirmed their relationship. 'Yes, we are.'

Charlie let out a squeal of delight and pulled the two of them into a warm embrace. 'I'm so happy for you guys! You make such a cute couple.'

The rest of the crew joined in on the congratulations, offering words of support and a few more adult jokes. Lucifer, ever the gracious host, called for Husk to pass out a round of light drinks to celebrate.

As the crew dispersed to prepare breakfast, Y/n and Lucifer, who had already eaten, stayed to help set the table. They couldn't help but steal glances at each other, feeling a sense of happiness and contentment that they never thought possible in the afterlife.

Charlie noticed their longing gazes and couldn't help but smile. Y/n's heart feeling full as she thought about all the amazing people she had met at the Hazbin Hotel. People who had shown her kindness, friendship, and now love.

As the rest of the crew gathered around the table, ready to enjoy a delicious breakfast, Y/n and Lucifer couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude and love. They had found a family in the most unexpected of places, and they were determined to cherish and protect each and every member.

As they sat down to eat, the conversation turned to more lighthearted topics, with jokes and teasing at every opportunity. Y/n couldn't help but laugh, feeling more at home than she ever had in her previous life.

As the breakfast came to an end, the crew dispersed to carry on with their day. Y/n and Lucifer stayed behind, cleaning up the remnants of the meal. They worked in comfortable silence, giving each other knowing glances and small smiles every now and then.

As they finished, Y/n found herself being pulled into Lucifer's arms. 'I never thought I could find happiness in the afterlife,' Y/n said softly, looking at Lucifer with so much love in her eyes. 'But you guys have shown me that it's possible. And I promise to always do the same for them and you as well.'

Lucifer smiled, taking her hand in his. 'I never thought I could either,' Lucifer murmured, placing a soft kiss on the top of her head. 'But I'm grateful that I found you and I promise to do the same for you, my dear.'

Y/n looked up at him, her heart bursting with love and happiness. She never thought she could find love in a place like this, but in the Hazbin Hotel, she had found so much more. And she swore to herself that she would do whatever it takes to keep her newfound family happy, just like they had done for her.

As they made their way back to their rooms to change, hand in hand, Y/n couldn't help but feel like she was exactly where she was meant to be. Surrounded by love, laughter, and the most unexpected but wonderful family she could have ever asked for.


~That's the end everyone. Thank you for reading. I really hoped that you fancied the story. Also, please show your love to my other works and I'll see you in the next story, byeeee :) ~

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