Chapter 1: Resignation

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As soon as her biological clock arrived, Tan Feiyu woke up naturally. She took a look at the not-quite-bright sky outside, got up without hesitation to fetch water and washed herself, and then arranged her clothes very carefully.

She has something important to do today.

Walking in this narrow and dilapidated alley, she recalled what her friend had said a few days ago to persuade her to abandon politics and go into business.

To be honest, she refused at first.

In this world where scholars, farmers, industry and commerce are valued most highly, and businessmen are regarded as the last class of people, she studied hard for more than ten years, and as an ordinary poor person, she got the third place in the last imperial examination, and successfully took the third place in the imperial examination. In everyone's eyes, this kind of achievement, although not as good as the number one scholar, is enough to ensure a smooth official career. If she does well, she can be an official lady and be respected by others without any worries.

But something happened to her here.

She still can't figure out how she offended His Majesty when she met His Majesty two years ago and actually caused him to dislike her. His Majesty was furious on the spot and fiercely criticized her article for "only focusing on moderation." "How can you be worthy of a big position if you act like a wallflower and don't offend both sides?" After scolding her in front of all the civil and military officials, he did not expel her from the capital, nor did he prohibited her from becoming an official in the future, but she was inexplicably given a job as a patrol officer in the capital.

His Majesty's actions made everyone feel that they couldn't understand what he was thinking. If he was really disgusted, wouldn't it be better to just drive Tan Feiyu back to the countryside to farm? Why go to the trouble of letting her stay in the capital.

For Tan Feiyu, patrol work was, to put it bluntly, a modern urban management job. She was not willing to do it as a handyman in the yamen, but she endured it at that time.

Because she still had hope at that time, His Majesty must have been in a bad mood at the time, and she, the unlucky guy, happened to bump into him, so she ended up with such a result.

Although she gave a bad first impression to His Majesty, she still managed to survive in the cracks. Besides, she was a top talent after all, and there was a future old father-in-law behind her who was the imperial concubine of the dynasty. She had such a backer, do you want a future in the future? All difficulties must be temporary for her.

Nowadays, she has been demoted to be a patrol officer, and she is the most talked about person in the past two years. Although most people are laughing at her, they all agreed at the beginning that Tan Feiyu will never be a patrolman for a long time. After all, there is such a person her old father-in-law was here, and at the same time, half of the people who passed the high school entrance examination in her class had made friends with her, and the prime minister of the dynasty also came out to beg for mercy when the emperor demoted her. In this way, everyone knew that, the Prime Minister has a good impression of this young woman.

Talking about Tan Feiyu, anyone who looks at her will feel that it is absolutely impossible for her to be a patrol officer for the rest of her life, and she will even feel that she will definitely have a bright future in the future.

Occasionally when dreaming back at midnight, Tan Feiyu also reflected on herself. Did she do something wrong or said something wrong when she met with His Majesty? She always recalled every scene of her time over and over again:

Entering the hall with the No. 2 pick in the same class, kneeling down, and paying homage to His Majesty in unison. There must be no problem here. She was sure that the volume of everyone's movements was almost the same. After all, the three of them had already received systematic training before meeting His Majesty. If they did something wrong, it would be appropriate for all three of them to be punished together.

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