Topic one: TikTok

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  The world of TikTok as we know it is a place where you can make a fifteen - to ninety second video that can be informative, wholesome, entertaining, and/or funny.

Do you really know TikTok as the number one app where you can find those kinds of things, though??

If your answer is no, then you're probably thinking of the original TikTok.

That app is called vine.

Vine and TikTok aren't made by the same companies, and Vine is no longer available, but yes, Vine was the original TikTok.

Most of the memes you know today are probably from Vine.

As I said before, Vine and TikTok aren't the same, nor are they the same company.

However, TikTok wasn't originally called TikTok.

It was known as Musically.

Now, I don't know if Musically and TikTok had the same purposes, but I do know they are the same app.

You shouldn't have TikTok, though, and here are my reasons.

One, it spreads more negativity than positivity.

People complain about their insecurities and health (mental and/or physical).

They publically spread hate to one another, whether it's by commenting or making a video ranting about how they don't like someone.

It can and will do those same things to you whether you like it or not.

Number two, people make inappropriate, immature, and disgusting content on Tiktok.

TikTok was made for making positive, funny, entertaining, wholesome, and informative content either through commenting or posting a video.

Sadly though, some people go through the terms of service and just ignore it, though to make immature, inappropriate, and/or disgusting content.

An example is "Sephora Kids," otherwise known as little girls, who are ages seven to twelve years old and get things for their skin that they really don't need quite yet.

Because of that, they could be ruining their skin and won't be able to do anything about it unless they go to a proper dermatologist for help.

The only things you really need are face wash and sunscreen if you are eleven or under.


The last reason why you shouldn't have TikTok is because it influences what you do online.

Have you ever looked at something and thought, 'I would never do that', but you did it anyway??

If your answer is yes, then was it because it was a part of a trend?

If your answer yet again was yes, then that's because you saw it everywhere, and you wanted to try it out for yourself.

The more popular something is, the more you'll see it on your feed

The more you see that thing, the more you'll wanna try it out.

The more you wanna try it out, the more likely that you will do it.

The thing about that is that it could either be harmless or completely bad for your physical health.

An example of this is the chicken and NyQuil trend.

A trend where you make chicken marinated in NyQuil and eat it.

Yuck... 🤢🤢

Turns out the FSMS (Food Safety Management System) investigated this trend because it PUT PEOPLE IN THE HOSPITAL!!!

After they found out it was putting people in the hospital, they contacted the person managing TikTok, saying that people needed to stop doing this.

This trend got so out of hand that TikTok had to post on all platforms saying not to do this in concern for people's physical health.

Anyone who did that had their video removed from TikTok so nobody would see it and try it for themselves.

That seems similar to what I just said, right?

That proves otherwise that what you watch influences what you do in your daily life.

That is why TikTok will ruin your mental health.

See you tomorrow with topic number 2.

Social Media: The One Thing Destroying Your Mental HealthTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang