Explosion Party

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Y/n: Your name

N/n: Nickname

F/c: Favourite colour

F/A: Favourite animal

Fr/c: Frame colour

O/c: Optic colour

And here is the playlist for Y/n:

(Enfield P.O.V)

Enfield strutted behind Lord Starscream with her servos clasped behind her back. Starscream wasn't in the best of moods at the moment so he had decided that a trip to Megatron's slowly dwindling corpse would set his mood. Enfield decided to follow. The feminine-looking mech stomped into the medbay, and Enfield was surprised to see only two Cybertronians inside. Breakdown, who was carefully buffing Megatron, while Y/n was standing to the side, typing tiredly into a datapad. Their wings were dropped to their side and they looked like they would nod off at any moment. Enfield was going to mention it but Starscream's voice knocked her out of her thoughts.

"Where is Knockout?"

Enfield winced, she knew all and well that he was probably out street racing. Just as she was going to speak she was once again cut off as the medbay doors opened and a steaming Knockout strided inside.

"Can you believe what some skin job did to me?!" He demanded, gesturing to his scratched arm.

Starscream quivered with rage.

"You have been street racing amongst the humans haven't you?" He hissed,

Knockout rolled his optics and beckoned to Y/n who handed him his datapad. He then began typing into it as a smug expression crossed his faceplates.

"I'm not only an automobile, I'm an automobile enthusiast!" He exclaimed, and Starscream growled.

"I do strive to run a tight ship Knockout. I would strongly suggest that you seek my permission next time you decide to disappear on one of your little...Joints" The Lord snapped, and Enfield rushed over to his side.

She gently tapped his side a few times and he took in a few scratchy breaths, trying to calm himself yet failing miserably. Enfield bit her lip nervously and Knockout rolled his optics playfully.

"No worries Herr Kommandant~" He purred and successfully pissed off Starscream even more.

Enfield cast a glare at the Medic and Starscream brushed past her and approached Knockout.

"It is Lord to you."

"Only if Megatron takes a nosedive." Knockout reminded, earning a scowl from at least everyone in the room, except Y/n who was barely listening.

Enfield had noticed that their optics were drooping and their legs quivering, though they kept working, typing into the datatop in front of them. Enfield approached them and tapped their shoulder. They turned around and cocked an optic ridge at Enfield in question.

"Don't you think you should..rest?" She suggested and Y/n shrugged.

"I am needed."

Enfield went to speak but she noticed Starscream storming off and Enfield decided to follow him. She followed him all the way to the bridge to where Vehicons and Soundwave were all typing into large datasets. As Starscream made it to the helm of the ship he finally noticed her.

"Ah, Enfield, I have something for you to do." He mused.

Excitement filled Enfield and she stood up straight, saluting, her wings up high. The Lord chuckled.

Starstruck Sparks (TFP Soundwave x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora