One Step Closer - 92💕

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"You seem distracted," Jungkook noted, looking up from where he was lying on his chest.

Jimin showed up at his dorm a while ago after confirming he was free and done with his college work. The alpha looked exhausted and ready to crash when he crawled into Jungkook's small bed after a quick shower.

They lay down to sleep but Jimin's scent wasn't calm yet and he seemed to be immersed in his thoughts.

The alpha blinked, looking down at him and kissed on top of his head as if it was his second nature. "Mom saw us today," he replied in a light tone. "Back at the restaurant parking lot. It appears she was there for a luncheon and spotted us."

Jungkook lifted his head, a frown tugging at the corners of his lips. "Doesn't she know about us?"

"She knows about you, but she isn't aware of our relationship," he said. "Mom is...well, she can be pretty intense. Mom and dad disagree a lot and sometimes they don't believe in the same thing. You could say she had a different upbringing where it's drilled into her head that the purebreds are superior breed and all others comes only secondary to them," he explained. "Mom isn't a bad person and as far as I know she never hurt anyone with her words or actions intentionally. But she carries herself in a manner that's expected of her in this society. So dad wanted to give us both time to be sure about this relationship before we could reveal it to her."

"Oh." Understanding dawned in Jungkook.

"I don't want to assume she'd react negatively because I know my mom. Jungkook, she's different from other stuck up purebreds and is not beyond reasoning." He exhaled. "Did you know dad told me today that we both have met as pups?"

Jungkook perked up, sitting upright immediately, eagerly looking at him for more details.

Jimin smiled warmly, lifting a hand to caress his cheek in a fond manner. "Talking about my childhood trauma is not easy, Jungkook. It's even hard to talk to you about it knowing your mother might have been alive and well if not for me." His scent turned turbulent and he looked apologetic.

Jungkook shook his head. "We've been through this before," he said in a gentle tone, moving closer to take both alpha's hands in his. He kissed each knuckle fondly. "It was a conscious choice my mother made. No one forced her to. She's a mother." He smiled. "If it's not you, then it's some other pup in your place." He held Jimin's hands close to his chest. "What happened that day at the mall is not your fault. Choosing to save you is not her fault. Both of you couldn't have expected such outcome. I'm sure she would have wanted to make it out of there together with you."

Jimin nodded, but his scent was surging with emotion.

"Hyung, I'm happy you survived. My mother's pain and sacrifice would have been useless if not for that. She might have gone, but she succeeded in protecting you. She achieved what she wanted. Losing someone is never easy. We all lose someone in our lives. That is life. We can only learn to accept and move on with the pain. I'd say the only way you could honor my mom is by living your life to the best you can and stop blaming yourself for something that was out of your control. I don't know my mom but I know she wouldn't want that." He smiled in assurance.

Jimin pulled him down, his chest heaving and grip tightening. "I didn't know I needed to hear that until you said it."

Jungkook released calming pheromones, trying his best to scent him from that position. The alpha relaxed soon and let out a long exhale.

"I think you need to tell your mom, alpha. She deserves to hear it from you. What did your dad say?"

"Dad said I should tell my mom soon. I asked for some time," the alpha revealed. "That's when he told me about how I imprinted on you as a pup."

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