The plan

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"Gudiya...." kanha called his sweet little sister.
As soon as Subhadra saw his brother she ran to him and hugged him tightly. She suddenly cried in his arms. He kissed her in her forehead. His eyes too moist seeing his sister in sad moment.

Then Arjun leave that place to give the duo some comfort.

Kanha: Gudiya remember that the boat that  goes in water will shake too much but it finally reaches the shore. Life won't be smooth always dear. I know you are forced in this situation. But believe me. Will you.
He asked while cupping her face.

Subhadra: But Bhratashree how? how?can I accept the one who I didn't see him as a husband. And how will I love him.???

Kanha: Gudiya you are able to accept his love na????

Subhadra: yes Bhratashree I am sure that his love is genuine . I accept his love but not him.

Kanha: OK now tell me your decision dear.

Subhadra:  As I should marry someone I will marry him but this is not a love marriage for me. And I am ready to face my life Bhratashree .
She said while receiving a admiring look from kanha.

Kanha: As you wish your highness.
He said playfully and was rewarded with her small smile .

Then he leave to saw his parth or his would be brother in law. Arjun sat in a rock and he was in his deep thoughts off course about his love - Subhi.

Kanha: Don't worry parth you will get Gudiya's love soon.
He said while patting his shoulder.

Arjun nodded slowly.
Subhadra: By the way Bhratashree what about our family and Hastinapur family will they accept this?????

Kanha : You are the decider Gudiya.
He replied mischievously confusing arsu.

Arjun: I think that this my decision will create problems between both of us family.

Kanha: yes your are right arjun your decision creates problems. But.....
He said while eying to his partner. And she too understood that and slightly glared at him .

Subhadra: Well I am ready. Arjun now I am the one who kidnapped you if this drama was believed by everyone our problem will be solved na.
She asked shocking arjun.

Arjun: But Subhi how can you handle both the family I can't accept this.
He said in concern.

Subhadra: I didn't asked your opinion Arjun.
She replied playfully yes the carefree Subhadra was back.

Arjun smiling sheepishly at this.
And then kanha got in his horse.And Arjun sat in the chariot which was going to dwaraka while driving by dwarakaratna.

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