The unexpected flirt

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Okay sorry guys i've been away forever so i'm finally updating it's a bit short....... but Let's do this thing!


By the time you and Eren got Mikasa to stop attacking you, Hanji and Levi had just been waiting by the door. "Jeager, (L/N) come with us." Levi said with a stern tone. You looked at Hanji who still looked insane to you and followed Levi.

"Where are we going?" You asked Hanji.

"To wall Maria. There's been a breach with the titans." Hanji said strapping on the 3DMG. Your mouth dropped open as Hanji casually slipped her gear on.

"Why aren't we there?" Eren asked outraged he missed his chance at the colassal titan again. Levi gave him a glare then wrapped his arms around you.

"Because someone got distracted." He said launching his 3DMG and moving into the air with you in his arms. A blush immediately crossed over your face as he moved past tree's and small titans. "Something wrong cadet?" He asked smirking slightly at your tomato red face.

"O-Of course not sir." You stuttered looking away from Levi. His smirk stayed the same but the flirtatious look in his eye only grew. You began getting uncomfertable when you both started going through thicker trees and sometimes you would have to cuddle into him to avoid flying branches. The last thing you needed was something to hit you in the head like Annie thowing a log. The tree's began to thin out and Levi began to go lower. By the time you hit the tree line he stumbled to it to the ground where two horse's were tied up.

"You and Jeager will be going by horse the rest of the way. Me and Hanji will go by our gear." Levi said not setting you down yet.

"Um sir you can set me down now." You whispered too flustered to speak and louder. He looked and you and set you down lightly. He simply flew off as Eren was thrown from the tree's and onto you.

"Ouch" he growned and he rubbed his forehead. He was ontop of you....... and inbetween your legs...... About as embarssing as it gets. He looked up and easily asked "What did Levi and you talk about (F/N)?" He asked innocently.

"What's it to you Jeager?" you ask getting up.

"I wanna make sure he isn't stealing something that belongs to me." He said pushing you down and crawling a bit closer.

Meanwhile Mikasa stalking you two in the tree's is all like. "MINE" she said as she held a straw doll that looks like Eren.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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