Midnight Dip

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"(Y/N)... wake up!" Sasha shouted in your ear. "What do you want Sasha?" you ask obviously annoyed mostly because it was around midnight. "Me, Ymir, Annie and Krista are all going to the lake for a midnight dip, wanna come?" She asked in an innocent tone. You look around you saw Ymir and Annie looking down at you and Krista looking out the door. "Whatever, it's not like i am going to get anymore sleep now" you say while grabbing your boots. Sasha squeals, while Krista comes back into the room. "No one's on watch right now we can sneak by" Krista whispers. You look at Annie why would she want to come out of all people? You grab a towel and a bottle of soap just in case. "Ready" you whisper. You all head out into the cold yet refreshing air towards the lake. You see movement in the bush and make everyone stop. "What?" Sasha asks impatiently then she sees it too. You all move towards the rustling bush and stop six feet away. Suddenly a boy with a shaven head jumps out of the bush with a goofy grin. Your cat-like reflex's kick in again you flip him over on his head and throw him back into the bush. "(F/N) that was awesome!" Ymir exclaims. The boy you flipped over came out of the bush rubbing the back of his neck you then realized it was Connie. "Connie?" you say confused. He looks up and smile's "The one and only" he says. five other boys come out from the bush. Eren, Armin, Reiner, Jean, and Marco. "What are you guys doing here?" Sasha demanded. "We should ask you ladies the same thing." Jean replies. Annie walks ignoring what just happened so you decide to join her to the lake. Everyone else follows.

-Time skip to the lake presented by perverted Jean and his horse face *Nays in the distance*-

You finally got to the lake. All the boys ran in while Ymir, Kirsta, and Sasha put their towels down and made themselves comfortable before heading into the water. You and Annie on the other hand found a rock perfect for jumping off. "You're a lot nicer then everyone puts you as Annie" you say looking off at the other cadets from the rock. Annie looks at you surprised and then looks back to the other cadets as well. "Why did you come to the lake Annie?" You ask the blonde sitting next to you. "It never hurt anyone to break some rules." She said never taking her eyes of the other cadets. Annie stands up and walks back to everyone else you follow her until someone grabs your hand and pulls you into the bush covering your mouth. Cat-like reflex's activated. You grab your kidnappers hand and kick his shins. You look to see who it is and see Jean. "You know for a girl you've got some moves." he says rubbing his hand. "What do you want Jean?" you ask annoyed once again. "Some alone time" he purrs moving towards you. You lift your fists "Back away Jean i can kick your sorry ass." you say with a warning. He looks at you for a second then as fast as lighting he grabs your hands and pins you to a tree. You yell for help but are cut off by Jeans lips crashing with yours. Suddenly he stops and topples over.

You look to see Annie holding a wooden log. Tears fill the brims of your eyes and Annie gives you a slightly akward hug. She let's go and grabs Jeans ankle you copy her and you both end up dragging him back to the spot where everyone is hanging out. Everyone one stops when they see you and Annie dragging Jean. "What the hell?" Jean says opening his eyes grabbing your wrist to help him up. Bad move. Cat-like reflex's activated. You flip Jean into a tree and throw him into the lake. "Ops" you whisper. "(Y/N) you're the strongest person i know." Reiner says backing a step away from the lake. The image of Jean almost raping you pops back into your head making your eyes fresh with tears. "We better get back " you say running off into the wood's looking for the camp.

-Time skip to morning presented by Annie and that wonderful log-

"Wake up everyone time for another day of training" Sasha sang while putting her hair up. "Yay another day for us to go through" Ymir says while getting out of bed. You get up and dress yourself and head to the mess hall before anyone can ask about last night. You make it halfway until you bump into someone. Eren. "What happened to you last night?" Eren asked looking you in the eyes. You hide behind Eren when you see Jean walking by. "(Y/N)?" Eren asks.  He grabs your hand and looks you in the eye. "Are you okay?" he asks. You feel a shock wave of emotion run down your spine. "Yes" you say with a blank face. You walk to the mess hall not even looking at Eren. You grab your food and sit next to Annie. Jean looks at you with wide eyes and quickly covers his face. "(Y/N) what happened last night?" Connie asked while eyeing Jean. You look at Connie with a smile and say "I found a new punching bag!"

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