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"Ready?" You ask Eren.

"Ready." he says, definite. He comes charging towards you with a wooden dagger, like an angry bear. He's three steps away when you grab his wrist and flip him on his back. "Ow.." he groans.

"Look over there," You hear Reiner say a few yards away, pointing at Eren.

"He just got his ass kicked by a girl." Connie says, laughing in between words.

"Don't underestimate (Y/N), she's more powerful than you two boys put together." Keith Shadis says seeing the boys slacking off again.

Connie gives him his classic cocky grin. "Why don't we test that theory? (Y/N), come over here!"

Reiner looks at you uneasily. He still remembers when you threw Jean into the lake effortlessly.

"Yes?" you ask. Keith takes a step back. "You, Springer, and Braun here are going to do a two against one fight." He says, getting ready to referee. At this point everyone has stopped and there all watching and occasional whispers like "She's dead," "She doesn't stand a chance," and even worse "She's too weak,". Connie walks behind you and Reiner nods. Both the boys go charging at the same time. They're almost about to hit you when you jump causing them to collide into each other. Connie falls on his but and Reiner stumbles back a bit but he isn't finished. He charges at you blindly and you grab his wrist, flip him onto his side then throw him into Connie, causing them both to fall to the ground. You tie them up then push them over on their sides. "Done." you say not even looking anywhere but the beside's Keith's yellow intimidating eyes. "Carry on with your training, Cadets," he says, walking away.

"(Y/N), that was awesome!" Eren runs up to you and looks at the two pig tied boys on the ground.

"Eren... Step away from her," Mikasa says, looking you dead in the eyes. She lifts her fists in combat mode, ready to strike.


"Shhh dude this is going to be awesome," Connie says staring wide eyed at the girls. Mikasa charges towards you, and time seems to freeze. You work out a little plan in your mind. She already knows most of your attacks she's trying to use that to her advantage. Not this time.  You charge at her making her surprised at your sudden movements. She jumps avoiding your body slam yet causing her to slightly get hit by your shoulder. She loses balance and falls. You stand there waiting for her next move, but Eren grabs you and pulls you away from the crowd into the forest.

"Eren...." You whisper wondering if he is upset for you attacking his adopted sister. Instead of yelling at you he pulls you into a hug. His warm embrace tingles your cold skin.

"(Y/N) why did you choose to fight Mikasa?" Eren asks after one minute of silence.

"Because.... She was going to attack me.." you say with flash backs of Jean and you in the woods.

"(Y/N), what really happened the night we all went to the lake?" Eren asked in a gentle sweet tone. Tears filled the brim of your eyes causing them to stream down your face. Eren pulls you into a hug. You didn't want him to comfort you because you were weak so you pushed him off and used your 3DMG to get onto a high tree. Lucky for you Keith said it was time for you to move up a little and try fighting with your 3DMG. You stayed up there for a while waiting for Eren to go and you end up drifting to sleep.

In your dream you saw Eren reaching out to take your hand only for you to start falling into a dark abyss. You yell and scream looking for someone when Mikasa appears out of the darkness. She has her two blades for killing titans. She's covered in blood from all the steam you guess it's the blood of a titan that was recently killed. "If i can't have Eren..... No one can" she said while charging towards you. Right before she hits you the scene changes too when everyone was at the lake. You were in the bush with Jean when he went to pin your arms. This time he was demonic. His eye's were a dark red, he also had small yet thick fangs appearing from his mouth.

"You musn't trust anyone....." Jean said.

Something was off. That wasn't his voice it sounded like....... your fathers. You suddenly shot awake causing you to fall off the branch you had been sleeping on. You were too shocked to react. You braced yourself for your painful death when a pair of arms caught you. The arms were pale but smooth. You looked up to see Annie holding you in her arms.

"About time you got down." Annie said bringing you to your feet. "Who were you avoiding?" She asked as she started walking.

"No one important" you said catching up beside her. You both walk till you get to the cabin. You sigh and enter. As you look around to make sure you and Annie are the only ones you start to take off your clothes till you're in your underpants and bra. You got under the cold thin covers and started to doze off. Eventually falling asleep.


The loud crash causes you too shoot up. Looking around you see the door had been kicked open. You feel someone staring at you and look up. You see Mikasa.

"Shhhhh........ this will only sting a bit" Mikasa whispered from under her red scarf. Before you knew it she raised a wooden log and swung it towards your head. Cat-like reflexes enable. You roll out of the way and use your foot to hit her head off the floor. Terrified you scramble on your clothes and jog towards the lake leaving the camp behind. A minute or to later you hear your name. It sounded like it was behind you but when you turned around nothing was there.

"(Y/N)...... Sleep."

The last thing you saw was a demon with blood red eye's, along with a pair of fangs.                      Looks like your nightmear had come true.

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