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"Bud, why are we letting all these brat's eat what's ours?" a military police officer exclaimed. "Don't worry jack, their just fattening up so they'll make easy titan fodder." The other guard replied. They both started laughing suddenly out of the blue someone blew a horn causing everyone to step aside even the guards. Confused you stood in the middle of the street trying to figure things out when a carriage started to roll by. You swiftly moved out of the way landing in line next to Armin. You looked over to see him holding three piece's of bread. "Who are those for" you say finally breaking the silence. "My friends Mikasa, and Eren." he said not looking you in the eye. "You three must be very close." You added. "We've been together for a while." he whispered. "Good. Just make that bread last it's only for the day." you whispered back.  He looked at you with wide eye's then nodded. "You better get going!" You exclaimed. He nodded again then ran off into another direction.

-Time skip 3 years presented by Sasha and the dancing potato's-

There you were the training camp for the new military solders. The chief was going through row's expecting everyone's name's, where they came from and why they were here. "HEY YOU FIFTH ROW! NAME, PLACE, AND WHY YOU'RE HERE!" he exclaimed. "I am (Y/N) (L/N), I come from the Shiganshina District, And i am here to restore Wall Maria and humanity along with it!" You yell back at him. He looks at you in the eye's and you two have a stare down for five straight minutes "Fifth row face sixth" he said quietly for the first time ever since you two had met. The entire Fifth row faced the sixth in unison. Then suddenly some girl with mahogany colored hair took a large crunch out of a baked potato. Oh shit....

-Time Skip 5 Hour's presented by Armin and his talkative book's-

Everyone was in the mess hall, eating either bread or chunky mushroom soup. "Stick with me guy's and we'll defeat the titan's!" A chocolate haired boy said with around a dozen people surrounding him. You looked away ignoring all that happened next then suddenly the dinner bell rung loudly signaling everyone to go back to their cabin's. On your way back  to the girl's cabin someone grabbed your shoulder causing your cat-like reflex's to kick in. You grabbed the person's short hair then flipped them over you causing your victim to land on their head just giving them a minor concussion. You looked to see who it was and saw Armin's friend Eren. "What are you doing here?" You asked him. "well, i went to get Connie, and Reiner told me he was over here." He said with a light blush dusted over his cheek's. "No he's not over here.... Wait..... Holy Shit i am so sorry!" You say remembering you just attacked someone thinking it was a test. "I should be good" he replied touching his now slightly bleeding head. "One second" You say running to your cabin. You come back with a role of cloth and rap it around his head. "There!" You say satisfied with your work. "But, if you do that again in the middle of the night.... i won't hold back" you say with a grin. "Wait! You held back??" He exclaimed. You nodded then saw how high the moon had risen since dinner. "You better get back to your cabin (F/N) " Eren said looking at the moon as well. You nodded and jogged back to the girl's cabin. Once you get to your bed you replayed the image in your head of swinging Eren over your head effortlessly. What a Idiot you thought while drifting off to sleep.

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