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" Trouble on my left, trouble on my right
I've been facing trouble almost all my life "


part five


MICHELANGELO HAD NEVER been in such a loud room in his entire life as when he walked into the Ghoulies hide out. Punk music blared from graffiti covered speakers, and there was scattered cheers and shouts amongst the many loud conversations going on all at once.

If he could describe the house of the dead in one word it would be overstimulating. There were so many sights and sounds and smells, all of his senses were overwhelmed and he could feel sweat beading on his skin already despite just having walked in from the cool night air outside.

Smoke was thick in the air and he had to force himself not to choke on it. The sight of people doing drugs wasnt new to him but he'd never seen so many people doing drugs at the same time, he was surprised it wasn't triggering anything since the scene was remarkably similar to how he had found Rowena that same morning, just multiplied by dozens.

The teen recognized certain pills and powders from his mother's own inclinations and he could've sworn he had even seen some needles laying around, although not nearly as much as well, everything, else.

In spite of it all Michelangelo didn't feel like he was in danger at all, standing by Malachai's side.

Speaking of the devil, Malachai clapped a hand onto his shoulder and spoke directly into his ear so he would be heard over all the cacophony.

"How'd you feel about going through initiation tonight?"

Angelo couldn't think of any reason not to, and so he gave Malachai a big grin reminiscent of the one the older man always wore and said two words:

"Fuck yeah."


MALACHAI COULDN'T HELP but feel smug as he led the son of their rival gangs leader into the House of The Dead. He could've never imagined his night would've turned out to be so fruitful when he had gone out.

The older man had Michelangelo so wrapped around his finger that he had absolutely no qualms about going ahead with the initiation tonight, and he decided to let everyone know.


Malachai stood up on one of the chairs that was scattered around, looking like a deity to the misguided young boy next to him, before clearing his throat.

"HEY!" He shouted, gathering the attention of all the Ghoulies present and silencing them simultaneously so only the low thrum of the speakers could be heard.

He wrapped an arm around Michelangelo's shoulders and brought him close, the top of the boys head just reaching his hip from where he stood.

"This is Michelangelo Gauthier," he began, seeing some looks of recognition in the crowd from the Ghoulies that had been around when Rowena was.

He waited a beat longer for dramatic effect before dropping the bomb.

"AND HE IS BEING INITIATED, TONIGHT!" all those that were gathered there broke into cheers and shouts and the noise level returned to how it was as Malachai shook Angelo roughly a couple times, both of them wearing matching grins.


Malachai briefly explained what would happen while the other ghoulies made preparations. There was the trial of tolerance, the trial of violence, the trial of endurance, and finally if he survived; the marking.

Angelo looked at his soon to be leader wide eyed, his curiosity would never let him hold his tongue around the older man.

"Did you get the G branded on you too?" he couldn't help but ask.

"Of course kid." Malachai replied.

Michelangelo did hesitate before asking his next question, lightly biting his lip in contemplation before continuing.

"Can I see it?"

Wordlessly Malachai took off his unbuttoned top and turned around to show him.

And there it was, an old english capital letter g right in between the man's shoulders. The fifteen year old couldn't help but gasp at the sight of the bumpy scar tissue that made up the letter, he almost reached out to touch it before stopping himself.

"Did- did it hurt?" he couldn't help but ask the most obvious question.

Malachai laughed a little, pulling his shirt back on before he turned around and answered.

"I actually don't remember, you'll see what I mean." he said, and Angelo could only wonder what that meant.


word count: 727

authors note: I KNOW this chapter is way shorter than usual but I can't put the trials in to this one, I tried and it would just be way too long
so see you guys next chapter for trial one ;)

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