|| Unfortunate. ||

17 0 1

Axiom went over to Fallen's map. With the intention of spreading the news of what happened to Zemblanity to MD.

Shortly, she arrived. The floating platforms and the dark atmosphere didn't help, since this was her first time ever visiting an insane map.

But she had to put her worries to the side, and focus on her task.

She began traversing the map. Jumping on each platform while also making sure to watch her step.

Later on, she arrived at a big platform, MD, Fallen and Buried were under the tree. Although they haven't noticed her yet, Axiom needed her presence to be known.


She shouted. The three looked over to her, with shocked expressions.

"Axiom! What're you doing here?"

MD asked.

Axiom ran over to MD and grabbed her shoulders.

"You're right! You were right! ALL THREE OF YOU WERE RIGHT! THIS IS REAL!"

"Woah woah Axiom. Calm down, what happened?"

BO asked.

"After the meeting, I was just staying in my map when all of the sudden, Zemblanity called me! I immediately picked up their call but all they said to me was...

Is this how everything ends?"

"I didn't know what they meant so I asked them about it but the connection cut off! I didn't want to let my worries get to me first but I'm afraid the thing you guys might've been announcing earlier spread to Zemblanity as well!"


Fallen asked. At first, they looked like they didn't care, but they started listening once Axiom brought up Zemblanity calling her.

"I'll check their map, if you'd like."

Fallen suggested. Without hesitation, Axiom nodded.

"Please do! I don't know what happened to them and I'm really, REALLY worried about them!"

"Okay okay, I'll check their map. Just stay here and calm down. I'll be quick."

Fallen turned around and walked away.

Once Fallen disappeared out of the three's view. Buried began speaking.

"Do you think Zemblanity..?"

MD interrupted.

"It's a big possibility. But.. I hope they're alright."

Axiom chimed in.

"Me too.. I know they're not much of a speaking type. But they're still one of us."

Axiom sighed.

"I'm sure Fallen will confirm, if they ever come back."

MD shrugged.

The three continued talking until Fallen came back.

"So? Is Zemblanity alright?"

Axiom asked.

"..I checked their map. It's safe to say that Axiom's suspicion was correct."

The three looked at Fallen in horror.

"..a-and.. what about Zemblanity their self? Are they okay?"

MD asked.

Fallen took their time to think.

"I didn't see them anywhere."

They responded.

"What do you mean you didn't see them anywhere?"

Buried asked.

"I saw no traces of them."

"I haven't been talking about this, but whenever that.. phenomenon gets bad. Any person that comes in contact with it might be too overwhelmed by the amount of energy the crystals can form. In short.. they could die."


"Fallen, why haven't you told us this sooner??"

MD worriedly asked.

"I wanted to not shock you with this information. But thinking about it either way.. it is pretty shocking."

"The reason why people could still visit my map is because the energy here isn't that strong than what the crystals can produce. I nullified my map's energy so that even Marred can withstand it."

Fallen responded.

"So.. what you're saying is that.."

Buried tried to speak.

"..sorry, you guys. I'm not sure if you guys want to tell the other easy maps about Zemblanity."

"..but we all know for sure that..

..they're gone, forever."

DESOLATION. || A FE2 AU. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें