|| Promise. ||

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I sat in my forest, talking to my younger sister.

"..aand... That's basically everything that they announced..."

She finished.

"So.. what you're saying.. this phenomenon can spread to the other difficulty maps?"

I asked.

"Well.. yeah. So far, it has just affected Buried and Zemblanity."

She said.

"Those are.. your friends, right?"

I asked.

"Well, not really. I haven't interacted with them more than once."

She shrugged.

"If only we could tell Chasm about this."

I sighed.

"Maybe she already knows? Keep your hopes up, Forest. Maybe one day she'll come back?"

She tried to smile at me. I wanted to keep my hopes up too.

"Yeah. Maybe you're right, Valley."

I smiled at her.

"Soo.. how's your day?"

She asked.

"It's been.. normal, I guess? Well.. I'm saying normal as in the amount of chaos each hard map does. Especially Lava tower."

I explained.

"Hahah, I have no idea who that is....."

She awkwardly laughed.

"Well, you're lucky then.. does your group also have someone that's a pain in the ass?"

I asked.

"Hmm.. let me think.. I think the closest I could think of might be Retro? I mean.. he's the most positive out of all of us.. ahah-"

She laughed again.

"But anyway- can you promise me something?"

Valley suddenly asked out of the blue. She was my sister, and I love her. So I had to accept.

"Sure, what is it?"

I asked.

"If the phenomenon does somehow catch up to one of us someday, can you promise that we'll still try to reach out to Chasm before it does-?"

She finished.


I said.

(A/N: awwwww poisonous trilogy lore!)

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