|| Hunt. ||

15 0 0

(a/n: oh no hunting of animals be warned!!)

The sounds of the trees and wind filled my ears. My footsteps on the grass are light, as if I wasn't there.

Seeing the deer I needed to kill, I got my arrows and bow.

I shoot.

The deer dropped dead.

Another hunt.

I walked over to the deer's corpse and harvested the meat from its body.

This was my purpose anyway.

..well. Ever since Zemblanity technically died.

I was taking over his work the past few weeks after his disappearance.

I just want to live.

I dropped my bag at a wood stump and walked away, just expecting for the person who ordered me to do this and pick up the bag full of deer meat.

How unfortunate.

Me and Zemblanity never really talked, we just worked together.

I don't know if I even had a connection with that guy.

All I know is that we just worked together.

It was really quiet, as usual. I never really did anything in my map except hunting and walking around. But occasionally hunting animals.

It was kind of boring, but it was routine.

After all, I don't have any plans of changing this.

It's my life.

I can finally control it.

Unlike before.

Where I couldn't control, anything.

(A/n: lost woods lore 🤨??)

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