|| Snow. ||

2 0 0

"..no traces?"

I mumbled to him on the phone.

"None. Sorry, Snow."

He responded. I sighed.

"..oh.. I see.. thank you anyway, Wild."

I thanked WS, before ending the call.

I sighed again.

She's really gone..?

Why would she be the first one to be the one who disappears, out of all the hard maps?

She had a spark. Without her, we're just..

I don't know.


She's usually the one who causes destruction and chaos.

It was really like her.

But now.. who could even replace her now?

No one.. right?

It's so.. upsetting.

Ever since that gathering, I couldn't stop thinking.

Where is she?

Is she okay?

Is she alive?

I don't know.

I don't know anymore.

I need to know.

But how would I know?

There are no traces of her.

Do I even deserve to know?


I think I shouldn't know.

But.. I really do care about her.

I'm just scared.

Like the coward I always was.

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