[8] disturbia

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Two victorious artists stood in front of a mural painted on one of their new buildings. The art depicted a shark bursting from the ocean, water spraying from the mural using sensory effects created by the younger of the two. "Now I know who to go to when I need my house redone," Taehyung commented triumphantly, paint stained palms pushing back strands of his hair that had begun to cling to his forehead.

"So dramatic," Snorted the younger girl as she wiped her hand on her pants, throwing an empty spray can to the rubbish pile. "We need to find somebody who can magic clean. I am sick of trying to get paint out of my clothes."

"If only all our problems could be solved with more of us," Taehyung huffed as he ruffled the thirteen year old's hair, pouting when she twisted out of reach. "Your skill with the five senses is just as helpful. See on hot days lik–" His words were drowned out when a spray of water shot into his mouth and a cold chill washed over his hair. "Lee you cheeky brat!"

"Cold attack!" Lee chanted with a bright grin, bouncing around the older excitedly. "Can we get icy poles?"

"I would like that very much. C'mere." Taehyung tugged Lee closer, guiding them both back toward the community house. They walked through the path of new shelters that matched the one they had both finished. Flora grew along the streets in abundance, creating an illusion of passing time. Taehyung gave a wave when he saw Kayne plus a mirror image of him, one wandering around with a watering can and the other some pruners. "How has it been settling in for you Lee?" The young girl took a moment to answer, busy trying to tightrope on an invisible line as they walked.

"Better than before."

"Yeah? Is there anything we can get you?" She shook her head and smiled timidly.

"Nuh, I just like having a big brother!" Taehyung's chest tightened, feeling a pleasant pain shoot up behind his eyes, cheeks falling into a grin of sheer gratitude.

"And I like having a little sister." Lee giggled, tackling him into a hug and squeezing for five seconds, then she pranced away toward the community house leaving Taehyung to watch. His own footsteps were far slower as he took in the surroundings. The place grew more vibrant each week. Each new person bringing a new craft to help them grow. It was a sorrow filled hope to meet each new kid, welcoming them and finding a place for them to call home knowing the horrors they had come from. When he first met Lee a month ago she was so quiet, he didn't know whether she could talk at all. They spent a lot of time together at first, trying to settle her down and soothe her nightmares. She still woke up screaming. Taehyung's own dreams were always twisted, mind completely detaching from the memories and viewing them as far away stories. Deep down he knew they were his own history.

"How's our Swan doing?" Called a voice that tore him from his thoughts, blinking into focus Namjoon's curious eyes.

"I don't like that name," Taehyung grumbled quietly, though his twitching smile did little to convince. Unable to fool the smartest man he'd ever meet, he shook his head and decided to shove at Namjoon's shoulder in careful jest. "I could tackle you with my eyes closed if I wanted to."

"Such namesake suits you for that very reason," Namjoon cooed, letting the younger rough around with him as they stopped on the steps. "All done for today?"

"One more thing with Fariel then I'll be back for dinner. I just want to get her settled properly. This whole argument with Kayne was a lot, so moving her is going to be the best option."

"At least you tried. I'm sure they'll make up eventually. But yes, go do that, then we'll see you in the kitchen to wash up." He tapped the youngers shoulder as he turned to leave, bringing his hand back. "Don't overdo it, okay? You've barely been sleeping."

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