[9] memory lane

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"How long do we leave him like this? It's been two days and he still hasn't spoken a word." Two brothers stood by the entrance to the cramped spare room that extended off the community house. Inside sat Jungkook, wrapped up in a blanket staring emptily out the small window.

"What else can we do?" The light from the window reflected off the watery streaks on Jungkook's cheeks. He had been a complete wreck when the three had brought him in. Tears were endless in their attempts to drown him in his own sorrow.

Jimin had seen it a dozen times before; a child grieving the loss of their safety. It was a strange twist in his gut to now see that same thing reflected in a Katharós soldier.

"Go get Gem. Even if he doesn't speak, he needs something." Taehyung suggested through his unyielding frown.

"I'll see if she's around. Sit with him until I get back." Taehyung watched Jimin begin the search for their next hopeful attempt, their sweet golden retriever found at an old quarry.

Taking the bowl that had been left at the door, Taehyung made his way toward the side of the bed where he could place the food down. His presence did very little to stir Jungkook, still stagnant in his mind. "Hey," Murmured Taehyung softly after he took a seat on the floor. "I have a surprise for you." Glazed eyes flickered toward him, acknowledging the company with a slow blink. "There's water over there, and rice if you get hungry." Nothing. If there was one thing he'd learnt from looking after traumatised children, it was being okay with silence. Instead of disengagement, he was able to see the silence as an opportunity for silent understanding. He noted the way the other's eyes followed his every move. "I wanted to apologise," He murmured after awhile. "I say hurtful things when I'm scared, and calling you a coward wasn't fair. I'm glad you called for us. Truly." He received a slow blink, before gently Jungkook nodded his head. A voiceless recognition of the feelings swelling within.

"C'mon!" Sounds of pattering feet were the first thing to hear from outside the room. Feet that walked not like a human at all. Jungkook was quick to notice the difference, whole body twisting and arms propping him up to watch the door just in time to see the excited ball of fur burst through. Despite the boundless energy that radiated from the golden dog, she pattered to a stop at the end of the bed and patiently sat. Jungkook didn't react as expressively as Jimin had hoped, watching the youngest stare in silent wonder. "Jungkook, meet our resident pup!"

"C'mere," Taehyung called, whistling softly to invite her closer. Awestruck eyes never left the new arrival, Jungkook's palms shifting his body so he could watch the dog pounce onto the silver haired boy. "Meet your new friend, this is Jungkookie," Taehyung whispered to her sweetly, guiding her attention over to the bed. Despite his momentary shock, Jungkook was quick to shift over allowing Gem to jump up onto the bed and immediately begin snuggling into his curious palms. "She's an angel, however she likes to – mm, lick." With the late warning, Jimin and Taehyung couldn't hold back their laugh when Gem left a wet kiss up the side of the boy's cheek.

"What's her name?" There was a gravelly sharpness to Jungkook's voice when he uttered the question, throat constricting under the sudden use. Neither of the two in front of him overreacted, instead smiling patiently.

"Gem. She loves ear scratches." So that's what the Katharós boy did, spending his time brushing his nose to hers whilst patting behind her soft fur. "Did you ever have pets?" He shook his head, eyes fluttering away at the mere mention of home. "I know it's hard to think about. You are welcome here as long as you need." Jungkook bowed his head, weighed down by looming thoughts. Will I ever be able to return? "Did you want to talk about anything?" Continued Taehyung softly when the other quietened down again. That momentary voice of curiosity crushed beneath depressive torment.

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