[11] trust falls

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Taehyung's lip was torn to shreds by the time his brothers began helping to tie tight knots around the Katharós soldier's wrists. The rope weaved through the back pole of the target board, restricting any movement. Very rarely did Taehyung shake, but as each second got closer to the expectations from him, tremors overtook all sensible nerves, creating a dangerous environment for the next step.

With both his arms twisted up into coarse rope, Jungkook was left frighteningly aware of the battering ram against his ribcage. This was real. It was stupid and reckless, and every logical part of his mind was lashing out in desperate pleas to give up now and find another way. He'd always listened to that sensible voice, relying on logic over feelings through the majority of his life. Because the known was rational, formulas created to contain results.

Never go too far or you might just forfeit every bit of progress.

Think differently.

Logic didn't understand this chaos that was unfolding over each passing second. His identity was not a thing that could be studied and reviewed. It was a much deeper thing to recognise who he was beyond the good student who got home on time every night and went to bed early to wake up and do it all again.

"I'm ready." He breathed out nervously, fists squeezing around the rope to test the give. Now stuck left to focus on the figure standing just a few metres away, silver hair tied back in a mini ponytail to leave warm brown eyes staring back with creased frownlines framing them. His expression was far from anything reassuring, lips narrowed onto a grimace as he twisted the tip of a blade over the pad of his thumb. Precise pressure placed on the weapon to keep it from leaving a mark.

"This is madness, you know that right?" Taehyung heeded warily, taking a glance at the crowd of brothers who were just as hesitant to watch the ordeal. Each of them had seen the unconstrained violence that the younger could flip into. A corner within the mindscape where morals became inconsequential.

"You promised."

"I promised. But if I hurt you this stops." Jungkook pouted, head tilting to the side to catch eyes with Yoongi standing behind the knife thrower, lip pulled between nervous fingers. "You need to stay completely still." The target nodded to confirm his understanding, shoulders stretching back and chin lifting to still his posture and lock his stare on the weapon now held just right of Taehyung's head as his other hand extended forward to guide his aim. His left foot dug into the ground, right falling back and jittering slightly. It was clear in Taehyung's expression that he was doubting everything with eyebrows completely screwed together.

Jungkook couldn't watch, darkness swallowing his surroundings leaving nothing but sound and sensation. Each ragged breath Taehyung took echoed to an unrealistic level. Each breeze across his cheek flinched pent up muscles. "I said still." Came Taehyung's voice, sounding frustrated.

Then it happened. There was a millisecond of a sharp whistle before a thud as the blade split through old wood just centimetres from his neck. Jungkook's whole body jolted the board, head slamming back against the backing. The only sound that could be heard was the exasperated gasps of Jungkook's breath paired with the suppressed heaving of Taehyung's. "Still think this is a good idea?" The thrower gritted out, unexpectedly closer as Jungkook's eyes burst open to see Taehyung standing in front of him with a hand holding the hilt of the blade still lined up.

"You missed," Noted Jungkook with a slight sigh of relief. "On purpose?" The other cast his head down, refusing to acknowledge the testing boy's adorable pout.

"Of course on purpose. You are insane if you think I'm going to try and hit you."

"That defeats the point of this!" Snapped Jungkook, jabbing at Taehyung's shin with his heel. "Do it again. And actually try this time."

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