[10] vivication

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"What do you see?"

"A sky?" An angelic laugh chortled at Jungkook's uncertain expression, two laying back on the ashy ground to stare at the hazy atmosphere above.

"That's too simple. Think differently, what else do you see?" Prompted the woman by his side, black hair pulled into a tight bun with a side part that framed her face perfectly. His mother. So he did as she asked, shifting his focus to the sky that rarely cleared. Today the clouds casted over the orange sun, haloed in a golden blaze.

"I see a marigold, drowning in frost." He whispered quietly, an instinctual understanding that what she wanted was not the physical, but the metaphorical. When he turned to look at her he noticed the set of paints splayed out on the ground, flat canvas resting on her knee as she began to map out the description.

"That's a beautiful perspective, do you remember when we read about marigolds for the first time?" She spoke so devotedly, solid in her experience. Jungkook felt the complete opposite. Body detached and cold, eyes flickering to his surroundings that were too distant in his memory. None of this felt familiar.

"No. I don't remember anything about you." He admitted despairingly, shuffling closer to watch her paint. As she completed each brush stroke something magical happened, instead of solid colour the streaks transformed into deep shades of green, texture coming alive.

"I wish you did, love." His mother replied with a sorrowful smile, hiding the depth of her pain with the casted expression. "And yet a part of me had always hoped you would grow to forget." One final stroke brought the golden ball of flora to life, and his mother put down the brush before plucking the stem of the flower from the surface of the page. Then she held it out to her son, warmth shielded behind locked memories. As Jungkook reached for the flower it began to wilt. "Forget about me, Jungkook. Please. Forget..." Any semblance of serenity vanished with the sudden rot of both the once lively flower and his mother's veiled comfort. In her place was a hole, dark liquid bubbling within. Jungkook searched his surroundings for comfort. He was lost. So he let himself fall into the depths, viscous fluid pulling him deeper until the darkness swallowed him whole and he woke to the voices encircling him.

"Get something to drink, he'll need it." His heavy eyelids managed to open, revealing Taehyung, Jimin and Namjoon all seated around him with various concerned expressions. "Hey man," Namjoon murmured with a smile, palm smoothing over his shoulder and pulling his body back to sensation. "You beat yourself up pretty good. But glad to see you're back."

"What happened?" Jungkook groaned, registering the piercing pain that travelled from his temples all the way down his spine.

"You messed with your memories. It did a number on you and Minnie. Thankfully nothing too serious." He squeezed lightly to show his care before pulling away and allowing the other two to lean forward. There was very little time between Namjoon pulling away and a rushed tug at his arms as he was locked into an overwhelming bear hug. Silver strands of hair shielded his vision whilst Taehyung buried his head into the crook of Jungkook's shoulder, exhaling sharply with a relieved sigh.


"I thought you were going to die." Taehyung breathed with relief, each word fanning warmth against his skin. The pulse point beneath set alight with nervous rhythm, Jungkook's arms vaguely moving to return the embrace.

"I'm okay... I think," his uncertain tone drew Taehyung back, concerned frown looking more like a pout as he brought his fingers up to comb through the strands of faded blue that had fallen in front of the young face. For awhile they stayed like that, bodies loosely connected in an entanglement of care whilst Taehyung captured every detail of the boy in front of him. For once Jungkook let the attention stay, warmed by how kind a complete stranger could be to him despite their contending lineage. "Thank you for caring about me." He said after awhile, this time being the one to pull the other in, arms hooking under Taehyung's and bringing him closer until their heads could rest together. "You help me feel less alone."

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