Hope in the Dorm

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There's always a hope which existed in this dorm of life,
Stop trying to fight the battles that doesn't worth it,
Universe is giving you what you needed to have,
Don't it owe it to someone else who owes to you,
Don't need to run the rat race full of fools,
Don't need to fit it in the crowd that doesn't deserve the grace you held,
Don't take the blame of something that you never did,
If they paint you bad accept it with whole heartedly,
Cause at that time you're being nice to yourself that some couldn't resist,
This life is all you've don't try to take it with the thoughts of someone,
Who never gave second thoughts for you,
Every path you'll take will have the treacherous ghosts who shall haunt some parts of you,
But every path hold some strangers becoming your backbone,
The world is full of positive and negative things,
And everything you'll loose and gain will become the result of your own actions,
Let go what had gone, don't think of what hadn't happened yet, hold onto the present that is all yours,
So hold on to the hope even if you live in mad people's dorm.

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