Years of Rage

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Don't know whether anger of years, vulnerability, or years of rage and tolerance,
That is flowing in the form of tears from eyes,
Yet it hit like this inside head and heart both,
How can some woman alone can turn five lives into graveyards,
Ruining four childhoods,
They say Karma comes back and I saw it coming,
But why they never get paid for what exactly did,
Though I know the consequences of their actions is the rage within them,
Yet I know that I can't expect anything from a narcissistic,
But why it hurts like this,
When I think of the two more lives fading into the same shades of childhood darkness I've been,
Suddenly thoughts becomes cruel some like some killer,
Know I ain't think like a murder for some woman who's been rose from the worse of dirt,
Even after knowing that the person who's trying to damage others is already hollow from within,
They why do it impact me like that,
Never did something so bad deserve worse,
Often I wish If I could fix it,
Lord save me, before these all will turn me into some ruthless, soulless and heartless stone,
Though I live in the Mad People's Dorm,
But I don't belong to Cruelsome People's Home.

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