Torment of heart

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Wander if I could ever tell ye,
Might be the figment of my imagination,
Yet it became a troll of heart,
Everytime I think of it,
The torment which would never go away,
The lifeless roots of love which were ones half hope and half agony,
The fertile land which were green with thine appearance,
Had become barren ever since you left,
Yet the season of monsoon have never come,
Spring arrived few times but there was no flower in my garden,
During autumn many leaves fell but there was no maple,
The leaves that exist were only which would hurt my feet,
And the winters were cold as ever,
And summers stopped me taking as lightness,
It just provide the haunting chills in nights like ever,
Still I wander whether thee were just the figment of my eutopia,
Or the reality which left myself standstill.

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