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Your falsehoods overflow the jar's brim,

The lid twists itself, a capacious whim.

Spewing forth like a breached dam's surge,

Filling the chamber, a relentless urge.

The window shatters, the door crumbles in,

Revelations dawn, clarity therein.

Then, you depart, leaving a void,

A silence profound, a fate unavowed.

In time, the jar is sealed, set aside,

Windows mend, a new door, newly applied.

Yet, just when tranquility seems assured,

You slink back in, your deceit secured.

With my own vessel now in hand,

Bright and substantial, my treasure grand.

A million smiles enshrined within,

All tarnished now by your guileful spin.

Once more, you flood, a lamentable sight,

Your fabrications are darker than night.

Yet, resilient, they emerge anew,

Bearing a strength I never knew.

Before spilling beyond the chamber's bounds,

You breached my jar, and its contents are unbound.

"A drop suffices," they often proclaim,

Yet heedless, you empty joy, all the same.

My solace, my hope, my very core,

Drained by your falsehoods forevermore.

As if inconsequential, as if in jest,

You plundered my joy, my soul's true nest.

Now, two jars in your deceitful grasp,

Expanses vast for falsehoods to clasp.

Concealed on shelves, away from the light,

A sanctuary for untruths to alight.

This time, your exit, unexplained,

No reasons were given, and no truths were regained.

You vanish, leaving behind a trail,

Of shattered trust, an ancient tale.

Windows and doors may all be restored,

Jars were replaced, yet truths were ignored.

But you, dear deceiver, cannot be mended,

A broken trust, eternally upended.

Whispers in the Water: A collection of short stories and poetryWhere stories live. Discover now