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In the quiet of the night, when shadows creep,

And silence reigns, a secret I keep.

For in the depths of my heart's silent cry,

Lies a tale of feeling stuck, unable to fly.

Bound by chains unseen yet tightly wound,

I'm trapped in a maze, lost and confounded.

Each step I take leads to nowhere but fear,

In the labyrinth of doubt, where dreams disappear.

Like a bird with clipped wings, I yearn to soar,

But shackled by doubts, I can't explore.

Stuck in a web of my own making,

Trapped in a cycle, endlessly forsaking.

The walls around me seem to close in,

As I wrestle with shadows, unable to win.

A prisoner of my own mind's design,

I'm stranded in stagnation, a captive of time.

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