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I stood at the cliff's edge, the wind whipping through my hair as I looked into the void that is the endless ocean. I could feel my heart beating at the same pace as the waves crashing. The water was still yet ferocious, reflecting the conflicting emotions within me. It was as if the ocean held all the answers I sought, yet its depths remained impenetrable, its secrets locked away. With a heavy sigh, I took a step back from the edge, my legs feeling weak beneath me. As I turned away from the cliff, my heart heavy with uncertainty, I couldn't shake the feeling of being adrift in a vast, unforgiving sea of sorrow. Each step I took felt like a burden, dragging me further from the life I once knew yet propelling me toward an unknown future. With the waves echoing in my ears, I began to walk away, leaving behind the only place that had ever felt like home.

Home is something I long for, something I dream of, and something I will never have again. The memories of laughter and warmth that once filled its walls now haunt me like ghostly echoes in the night. But as the darkness deepens around me, I realize that home is not just a place but a feeling. A feeling that I fear I may never be able to recapture or remake.

Whispers in the Water: A collection of short stories and poetryWhere stories live. Discover now