Ch. 1: The Beginning (Pt. 1)

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Summary: Hello, I've started a new story. I've decided to write this because I'm back in my Stranger Things faze.... I shouldn't start a new story, I have like-4 on the go already, but what's 1 more? Right.... Anyway, this chapter, I add Billy into the Junkyard scene and go from there.

This is cross posted to my ao3 account. Ivy_angel06 ⤵️


Words: 5737


Neil and Susan arrive home after their long date together. It's dark out. Billy is getting ready for his own date when he hears them loudly enter the house. He rolls his eyes. Susan places her bag on he table next to the front door and goes to check on Max. "Maxine?" Susan pokes her head through the open door to her daughter's room to check on her.

She's not in her room.

A dim lamp is left on, but she's nowhere to be seen.

Loud music is playing in the room next to hers, and that's when she begins to worry. Susan leaves Max's a little flustered and goes to tell Neil that she's gone.

"Billy." A knock and a voice at the door causes the blonde to drop his smirk. He was just fluffing up his hair and putting cologne on right before the disturbance. It's Susan's voice. The blonde sighs and looks away from the mirror and down to the table below it.

"I'm a little busy right now, Susan-"

"Open the door right now!" his father yells from the other side of the door, catching him a little off guard.

Billy's blood runs like ice in his veins when he hears that voice. He squints his eyes tightly and straightens himself up before stubbing out his cigarette in the ash tray on the table below his mirror. He lets out a low sigh before treading over to the door to open it. With a small shake of his hand, he turns the knob and yanks the door open.

"What's wrong?" Billy asks, finding hos dad's eyes before anything.

"Why don't you tell us." Neil crosses his arms below his chest, making himself look more intimidating.

"Because I don't know," Billy says in a little bit of a softer tone. He's trying not to sound so 'pathetic' as his father loves to put it, but his dad's demeanor is just so.....present.

He's fine. He can handle this just like he always does.

"We can't find Max," Susan says, speaking up. 'Of course, of fucking course she's gone! Why can't she just stay in her room? Why does she have to sneak out so goddamn often??' he thinks.

"And her window's open. Where is she?" His father growls in a low and dangerous tone. This tells the blonde that he's getting close to snapping.

Billy shrugs hesitantly. "I don't know," he again says with a shrug, turning around to walk over to his closet to get something. A slight pause enters the conversation before Neil lets out a chuckle on the verge of a meltdown. He walks into the room to follow his son. "You don't know...." he mimics still with his arms crossed.

"Look-I don't know-she probably just went to the arcade or something. I'm sure she's fine-"

"You were supposed to watch her!" Neil bellows out as he enters Billy's room more with Susan waiting by the door. The blonde stays away from his dad's reach. He knows not to be in the vicinity of Neil's arm reach when he gets like this.

Billy rummages around through his clothes in his closet to find his leather jacket so he can leave the house without too much as a slight shiver; it's cold here in Indiana. Cali's weather is much warmer than this, only because it's closer to the equator. He really misses it. His back stays turned away from them for a few seconds while he searched.

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