Ch. 8: The Accident (Pt. 2)

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Words: 6936


The blonde tries to tug his wrist free, but Robin's grip is bruising-no, literally bruising him. It's bruising his skin. They can both see him visibly shaking now. She got scared when he opened the door too enough to not let go of him even while stopped. Thankfully, she had enough time to catch him before he threw himself out of the car.

Billy tries and tries again, but she's not letting out. "L-let-let go. Pl-please-Ium-I'm sorry. Let go!" He begins to freak out even worse this time 'round. The blonde's breathing turns into hyperventilating, and his struggle turns into a full blow panic attack, trying to get away from Robin's death grip. Steve puts his car in the park before shutting it off and getting out to step over in front of Billy. The back door is still open. Robin lets go of his wrist once Steve is there. The blonde quickly takes his wrist and holds it close to him as he rubs it in pain. The brunette kneels on the ground in front of the blonde, who still hasn't calmed down. Billy feels trapped and suddenly claustrophobic. He tries pushing past the brunette.

"Harrington-just-" he gasps.

"No, Billy -"

"Please just-I need-"


"Steve!" Billy cries out, literally. He's crying. Tears stream down his face. "Move," he softly says as tears fall down his cheeks. The blonde looks completely terrified of him. Is it because he yelled at him? Is it because of what happened tonight? Who hurt him? What happened?

The brunette moves, and Billy gets out of the car only to lay down in the road again, but on his back this time. He just needs some space right now. Everyone is too touchy and willing to help him. It's weirding him out.... he's not used to this. People caring about him, he means. He closes his eye and tries to focus on his breathing. He's still hyperventilating. The earth around him feels like it's moving too quickly to gain his footing, and there's a terrable ringing in his ears as his body breaks out in a cold sweat. If a car came and ran him over right now, that would be just fine. He would just accept death if it came instantly like that.

It's not like this isn't the first time he's laid down in the middle of the street before...

Everything hurts again. Even if he's lying down or sitting up in a car, it's not gonna stop hurting. Neil really did a number on him tonight....and so did that shadow creature and Steve and Robin. 'The hurting won't ever stop me. Not like that. Calm down. They're not going to hurt you...'

Tears stream from his eyes and down the sides of his face while he tries to be silent in crying. His breathing is quick and audible. The cold concrete road under him feels nice against his burning body, though. Maybe he has a fever? Could he've gotten a cold being out here like this?


Two sets of footsteps walk over to him before his breath hits for a second as he tries breathing in. He feels something next to him on either side of his body. He opens his eyes, even though he can't see anything out of his left eye, to look around. Robin and Steve are lying next to him on either side. He contemplates getting up and running off, but he quickly rules that out because he doesn't even think he can manage to sit up right now. His lower half hurts too badly... It feels like it's stinging and cramping in his abdomen. It also feels wet and gross down there. He wants to just die alone in peace. He feels sick with himself.

He stays put.

His breath hitches from time to time as he tries to stop himself from crying, but sometimes he just isn't strong enough. Sid used to calm him down after doing a heavy amount of drugs. He misses him...

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