Ch. 4: Talking (Pt. 2)

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Hopper takes El to the lab, and Joyce, Nancy, and Jonathan all take Will to her cabin to try and get the Mind Flayer out of him. The rest of them watch as the vehicles leave. Dustin turns on his heels and sprints back inside. "Steve!" he calls out. Steve looks annoyed, Max catches his gaze and tilts her head to the side in confusion. She hops that Billy will be back soon. He went to get his car all by himself. "Steve! I need your help!" The curly haired kid whines. The brunette sighs and goes back inside to help the kid with whatever he wants to do. Everyone else reluctantly follows the two back inside the house. The group stands in the kitchen and watch as Dustin throws everything out of the fridge and onto the floor. Max accidentally lets out a "what the fuck" in response. She wasn't expecting that. Max then snickers and scrunches up her face. "Dustin, what're you doing?" she asks.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" he answers back with a question. The brunette and Lucas shake their head's.

Steve wanders into the kitchen holding the corpse of the Demodog in a blanket in his arms. The slimy ooze drops out of its mouth and onto the kitchen floor. The group watches as Steve and Dustin try shoving the body into the fridge, very terribly struggling at that. This is when Billy walks into the house. He just parked his car out front. He sees what's happening in the kitchen and doesn't ask. He doesn't want to know for starters.

"Is this normal for you guys?" Billy suddenly asks, startling a few in the room. Lucas and Mike shrug.

"Is this really necessary?" Steve asks.

"Yes. Yes, it is! This is a groundbreaking scientific discovery. We can't just berry it outside like some commons mammal. It's not a normal dog, Steve." They slam the door shut. Billy widens his eyes in exaggeration and turns around. He's had enough of this weird shit for one night.

Max and Billy help clean up the broken glass from the living room window that the weird telekinetic girl threw a creature through. Max holds the dustpan while Billy carefully sweeps up the glass. He doesn't trust little hands to touch them. She'll just hurt herself, and he's not in the mood for explaining something like that to Neil and Susan. He's not looking for another bad beating tonight... Mike paces around the house seemingly in a tizzy or sorts. Baby Wheeler is having a tantrum because he can't go with his girlfriend. Dustin and Lucas talk somewhere else in the house, and Steve is helping clean up the broken furniture.

Mike starts complaining about being here instead of fighting. "There's nothing we can do, Mike," Steve argues back. He places a piece of broken chair leg into the garbage and wanders over to the kid.

"That's not entirely true. Demodogs have a hive mind. When they ran away from the bus, they were called away." Dustin mentions.

"So, if we just get their attention," Lucas adds.

"We can draw them away from the lab," Max adds, too.

Billy shakes his head. He doesn't like where this is going one single bit. She flips him off. "That's a really stupid fucking idea you homicidal maniacs. No," Billy states his opinion, Max and the rest of the middle schoolers don't like it.

"You shouldn't even be here in the first place! You're dangerous!" Mike shouts at him, challenging the blonde on the ground. Billy stands up and slowly pads himself over to the whining kid.

"Do I scare you, baby Wheeler? Where do you want me to be then? I can't leave without Max." Billy raises his voice a little bit with a growl at the end.

"Ok, enough, Hargrove." Steve gets in between the blonde and Mike. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Hargrove."

"Wow," Billy sarcastically says aloud with a scoff of disbelief. "We go, we all die," Steve says. Billy turns to look at the brunette with a scrunched up face. 'He looks a little annoyed at everything and everyone. Geez, will that guy ever lighten up?' Steve thinks. Mike ignores Steve and takes off explaining some fucking nonsense that Billy doesn't understand.

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