Ch. 10: Coming Home (Pt. 2)

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Words: 6702


The tunnel is large enough to crawl through, but it still feels too small. Billy hasn't been the one to be comfortable with small spaces. It's his dad's fault, after all, locking him in the basement of their home in California or in a closet in their apartment after his mom left. Hopper says that he sees something. He finally finds the end of the tunnel and pushes up a metal cover. When the cover is pushed off, Billy can instantly feel cold, fresh air. Hopper pops his head out and then climbs out through the larger hole. He helps everyone get out of the hole.

The group finds a vehicle near the prison, and Murray drives it over to a checkpoint where they're greeted by a man who-mind you, almost getting run over by Murray. He's crazy, but they all love him. The soldiers shoot at the vehicle, but Murray doesn't stop. Why would he? He just keeps in laughing maniacally, gunning it down the snowy road. He hits every bump that sends them all flying around. Billy holds on for dear life when he hears the gunshots and feels the vehicle tilting a little at the sharp turn. Some of the bullets make their way through the windows and walls, and everyone ducts their head's.

This is scarier than his dad. He didn't think that was possible. Russians shoot at them, hunting them down, escaping a Russian prison, and being in the same vehicle as Murray. Scary.


Once they're far enough away, Hopper asks if everyone's alright. They say they are.

"You okay, Murray?"

"Ha! Okay??! I'm doing great! Wooooo!!!" he hollers out while half paying attention to the road. Billy lets out a half-hearted chuckle before promptly fainting. "Nothing like a little prison escape to get your day started?? Ha ha!" Murray calls out. Hopper stares at the crazy man before looking over to Joyce. She's holding Billy from falling off the seat. He smiles at the blonde. After all, Billy is still only a teen. He's eighteen. That means he spent a birthday in that hell scape. He's way too young to be here.

Enzo just nods. "We're not completely out of the woods just yet. My people do not take kindly to things like this. They will be hunting us," the Russian explains.

"Well, we don't exactly plan on sticking around," Hopper adds as he makes his way to the front of the van. "Where's the plane you two came here in on?"

"That plane," Joyce chuckles. "That plane crashed." Joyce talks with her hands but stops once Billy starts falling off of her shoulder. She moves him back into place. She feels bad for the teen. He's been through too much in his short lifetime. What she's observed and been told that is.

"Crashed??" Hopper asks, looking back to her with shock and worry. "His fault," she gestures to Yuri.

Yuri shakes his head furiously. It's like he's trying to call himself out on purpose.

"Word of advice, that man is more slippery than an eel dipped in baby oil," Murray explains with an angry growl. "I wouldn't trust a single word that comes out of his mouth!"

"My-my hung my to-hung I an't eel my-" Yuri mumbles when the gag from his mouth is quickly taken out.

"We need to get out of here, back to the States. Can you get us out of here and over to another plane?" Hopper asks with both hands on the man's collar.

Billy suddenly wakes up to shout. He flinches with his head, looking in every direction. Joyce gently squeezes his arm where she had been holding for a little bit and mouths a 'it'll be okay' to him. He nods and turns his attention to Hopper and the other really crazy man as he attempts to slow his breathing.

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