Chapter 7

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One couldn’t hear, whilst the other couldn’t speak.

The young bloke gaped at Tao Xiaodong, astounded that he had put these two on the shop payroll.

After changing the needle, Tao Xiaodong said to him, “Have your lunch first. I’m going down to eat as well. Just holler if you need anything.”

“Got it.” The guy nodded.

Huang Yida saw him enter the kitchen and took a bowl for him.

Tao Xiaodong said, “Fill it up with rice. Put the meat right on top.”

Huang Yida helped him switch the bowl for a plate, saying, “Eat slowly, there’s no rush.”

Tao Xiaodong scarfed his food down when working, practically polishing it off in a matter of minutes. He found a stool in a corner, sat over there, and rapidly finished his meal. Then, he took an apple and bit into it as he went back upstairs.

“Dong ge is scary when he eats,” a young staff said from the byline.

“He’s in a hurry.” Done with his lunch as well, Huang Yida started to brew his tea in a large mug. “He’s been like this ever since I’ve known him. It’s the stress from work.”

That was true. Tao Xiaodong had always been this way. As long as he had unfinished business on his hands, he’d eat like this. It was force of habit by now.

Huang Yida made a trip out in the afternoon to discuss business matters with a partner. When he returned, Tao Xiaodong was still working, but the young bloke, possibly desensitised to the pain or simply too tired, was asleep on his belly.

Huang Yida moved a stool over to sit next to Tao Xiaodong, asking him, “About the medical aid project you talked about before, do you want to support their second phase as well?”

Tao Xiaodong tilted his face towards him. “Which one?”

Huang Yida said, “The one from San Hospital.”

“Yeah,” Tao Xiaodong said without hesitation. “For sure.”

“Aye,” Huang Yida nodded.

Shading the tattoo, Tao Xiaodong said with his head bowed, “Charge it to my own account.”

Huang Yida swore. “What the hell are you yapping about?”

“Money is money.” Tao Xiaodong was firm. “Da Huang, this isn’t a one-time thing.”

“Shove it.” Too lazy to quarrel with him over this, Huang Yida stood up and walked away.

San Hospital Ophthalmology Department.

The mother of the high school student that Tang Suoyan operated on during Lunar New Year’s Eve was kneeling outside his office, weeping, begging Tang Suoyan to save her son.

The medical staff of the Ophthalmology Department surrounded her, trying to calm her down.

“Dr. Tang, please save my child! He can’t go on anymore! Please, I’m begging you to save him… please save him! I’ll do anything!” The boy’s mother desperately pleaded for help in front of Tang Suoyan, her hysterical breakdown and wails tearing at everyone’s hearts.

Tang Suoyan reached out to hold her up. “Stop, hear me out first.”

“I’m listening, I’m listening! I’ll listen to everything you say, just save my child…” She was still whimpering, obviously on the brink of a mental collapse. “My child told me that he doesn’t want to live anymore. I lied to him that his eyes can be treated, that Dr. Tang can still treat him! Save him, please, my son is in so much pain! Please, you have to save him!”

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