Part III

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Kathia was now sitting in front of her new boss's desk, on his leather armchair, one leg on top of the other feeling impatient. She eyed him while he talked to the phone with his back at her and felt confused. Whatever language that was, I bet it wasn't a pleasant conversation.

His conversation finished after a few minutes and in one swift move he rotated his chair facing Kathia. ' What do you want?' he said eyeing her with bloodshot eyes.

What the fuck? Kathia was taken by surprise by his attitude and cursed more in his mind, all about his life and family.

'You called me here, sir.' she said gripping her apple pen until her knuckles went white. She inhaled and exhaled a deep breath and focused into not snapping at him.

The nerves of this man.

'I did. ' he said in a smaller voice more to himself. ' Miss Moroz, I would like you to join me for lunch. I have something important to talk to you and I didn't had lunch. Be ready in 10.' he used the tone he had every time he wanted a woman to do his bidding, but Kathia had no trace of what he saw in the other women's expression, just a little flicker of light in her eyes and that was all. He was perplexed, this never happened to him before. He fished for a reaction out of her but all he got was anger flash .

Kathia visualised the mountain of paperwork waiting for her on her desk, she had flashbacks of the one time she left earlier because of almost fainting with a fever and wanted just to tell her boss to go to hell so she can take care of her own things. But she couldn't really do that now, can she?

Quietly she nodded her head and left towards her desk still gripping the pen with the same anger as before. She hated him.


The ride to the restaurant that Ansel wanted to go was half an hour drive but he still had work to catch up to. He and Kathia were in the back seat of his Rolls Royce phantom and his main security guard was driving.

They both had their laptops out and tapping was all the noise in the car.

Kathia's phone rang and a pit of fear settled in her stomach.

'Yes Adam. ' she  said not moving her eyes from her laptop's screen.

'Boss lady, I don't know what happened but I can't seem to find the reports you told me to scan. '

'Yellow envelope. Right side of my desk. '

'And I'm afraid I can't see Joanna at work. She has some documents I need to print for the council meeting.'

'Open my desktop, enter my emails and check the last one I've received from her. The documents should be there, print them and place them in a blue envelope from the bottom drawer next to my desk. '



'Thank you so much Kat, I promise dinner for this. '

'I'm afraid Thomas wouldn't like that so I accept lunch. At work. '

'Got ya. See you later.'

Silence fell over them again when a throat clearing noise came from Ansel and he closed his laptop. Kathia eyed him with slanted eyes and suspicion getting ready for another asshole thing he might say.

'I'm sorry about earlier. ' he said in a low deep voice looking straight into her eyes. She definitely didn't see that coming and her lips formed a small o. 'I get... difficult when I am angry.'

No shit! She cooed in her mind biting her tongue to not say it out loud.

She didn't break eye contact while she responded to him being careful to not show shock on her face.

Crossing lines -An Office Passion StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora