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The young girl looked in the mirror. She straightened her posture and fixed the wrinkles on her dress.

She felt the ship move through the waters beneath her feet. When she was satisfied with her appearance she went to look for her parents.

She found them enjoying the breeze on the deck of the ship. She walked up to them quietly.

Her mother turned to her. "You look beautiful sweetheart" Her mother said wrapping the girl up in her arms. The man beside them just smiled at his wife and daughter.

They would soon arrive at the Fire Nation. He had business to attend, with the Royal Family.

An hour later the ship docked on to the harbor. The family of three were escorted to a carriage that would take them to the Fire Nation Royal Palace.

The little girl was quiet the entire ride as her parents conversed happily. Then her mother took notice of her silence. "What's wrong, my love?" She asked the little girl.

"I miss home" The girl replies. Her mother looks at her curiously, knowing all too well that her daughter was lying. "You're nervous about meeting the Royal Family" She concludes.

The girl looked at her in surprise, then her father smiled. "There is nothing to be nervous about my dear. They will adore you" He comforts her.

Then the carriage stopped. Her father went down first, then he helped her mother and her down the carriage.

The little girl looked at the palace. It was beautiful. Mostly covered in red with gold accents.

Then her mother took hold of her hand, rubbing it in comfort. They were greeted by one of the guards, who led them to the gardens where the Royal family were waiting for them.

Her father walked up to a man about his age. They grinned at each other before hugging. Then her father greets the rest of the family in respect.

After a while he motions for her and her mother to come to his side. Her mother slowly led her, still holding her hand.

Her mother bows in respect and she follows. "It is truly an honor, your highness the Fire Lord" Her mother says politely.

The Fire Lord, who was a young woman that stood beside the man her father had greeted with such joy smiled. Then the woman looked at the young girl.

"Greetings to you as well, princess Adira" The woman says to the young girl. "It is an honor, your highness" The little girl greets bowing once again.

The Fire Lord looks impressed, then she turns to a young boy who was beside her. He held his head high in confidence. The woman motioned for him to greet the little girl in return.

He looks at her. "Greetings Princess Adira, I am Prince Iroh II of the Fire Nation" He introduces himself bowing. The little girl looks at him before saying, "It is a pleasure to meet you, My Prince" She says bowing once again.

Then servants came to escort them to their rooms. Her father and mother had to go with the Fire Lord and her Consort to discuss things.

Iroh had accompanied her along with the servants to her room. She thanked them. Then Iroh offered for a tour of the palace.

She smiled and accepted. She swung her arm around his and he led her to the many notable places of the palace.

She was in awe of the place, it was truly beautiful. Though she herself had been living in the Northern Tribe's Palace her entire life.

She still admired the beauty of the Fire Nation. She listened as Iroh explained it's history, his history, the history of his people.

He explained how the dragons had been the first firebenders. How his grandfather even had a dragon named Druk.

He offered for her to go see the creature. She declined the offer. But despite that he still led her to one if the many balconies that oversaw the stables. The creature was magnificent. It had shiny red scales that glimmered in the sunlight.

The living embodiment of fire.


An hour into the tour they had found themselves in the library. Adira's eyes widened in delight. She and Iroh were looking through all the books he loved.

He mostly liked books about military tactics. She listened intently. He seemed to be really passionate about it, even sharing to her his desire to join the United Forces one day.

Then servants came to look for them. They informed them that their parents were waiting for them in the dinner room.

They quickly cleaned up and followed the servants. Adira looked at Iroh who was walking beside her. The she spoke up, "Thank you for the tour, your highness" She says politely.

Iroh looked at her smiling kindly. "Please just call me Iroh" He insists. Adira smiles, "Then you may call me Adira"

They arrived at the dining room bad sat beside their parents. Their parents make small talk. When it was time for dessert their Fire Lord Izumi stood up.

"I have an announcement to make. We have to an agreement on the unity of our two nations. That is why we have arranged for our children, the Crown Prince Iroh of the Fire Nation and Princess Adira of the Water Tribe to be married once they are both of age" She says excitedly.

The other people dining with clap and celebrate. Congratulating the two families. The Prince and Princess just look at each other in shock not knowing how to process the information.


Later that night Adira was in her room. She couldn't sleep. She kept thinking about her engagement to Iroh.

She wasn't apposed to it. She knew that either way she was going to be married. Not because she was a woman. But because she was a Princess and it was expected of her.

She sighed getting out of bed and going to the balcony. She looked observed the view the palace had of the city. It was beautiful.

She calmed down. But still she didn't feel like sleeping. Then she heard a voice behind her. "Can't sleep?"

She turned around to see Iroh. She shakes her head. The she looks at him, "How did you get here?"

"I climbed up the balcony" He says nonchalantly. She looks at him in shock but doesn't say anything.

Then Iroh looks at her. "You know I've always known I'd be married by the time I turned 18. But I was always wondering what my future bride would be like. I never wanted to get married at such a young age, but it's expected of me. I'm glad that it's you I'm marrying, and not some prissy noble"

She smiles at that. "I feel the same, in my tribe women used to get married at the age of 16. It's not really like that now, but as the princess I have duties to fulfill. I to am glad that it is you, whom I shall be bound to"

They just smile at each other looking out into the city. Into the nation that both of them would one day rule.


P.S Iroh is 2 years older than Adira. Here Adira is 10 and Iroh is 12. Thank you for reading!

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