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4 years later...

Adira had been traveling back and forth between the Fire Nation and the Water Tribes. She continued to train under her Master Katara. She had become an exceptional water bender over the years. A prodigy some would say.

But in this special occasion it was Iroh who was coming to see her in the Southern Water Tribe. She prepared herself for his arrival.

She straightened her posture looking into the mirror. When she was satisfied she went outside the Southern Palace and walked to her Master's house.

There she saw her younger cousin of 5. Korra who a year ago was found to be the Avatar.

Ever since Adira was born the White Lotus had been put as her guards. There were only a few of them back then. But now that the Avatar had been found. Their numbers doubled.

When she arrives at Katara's hut she saw her Master waiting for her. "You look beautiful" She said smiling at her student.

"Thank you" Adira replies. Then she walks with her Master to the docks.


When they arrived they saw a Fire Nation ship nearing their shores. Adira straitened her posture.

Katara eyes the girl with a knowing smile. "You don't have to be nervous, the two of you have been friends for 4 years now" The woman comforts.

"I know but it's his first time in the Tribe" The girl replies. Then the ship finally docks. Guards walked out forming a straight line at the right of the entrance.

Then a young man emerged. He was wearing his normal Fire Nation robes. But he looked more mature than the last time she saw him.

He walked up to her smiling. Then he hugged her, she hugged back. Her cheeks going red.

"It is lovely to see you Adira" He says pulling away from the hug. "Yes it is lovely to see you to Iroh" She says looking up at him.

"Have you grown taller since the last time I saw you?" She asked. He just laughs. Then he turn to Katara.

"It is an honor to meet you, Master Katara" He says bowing in respect. "Oh there is no need for formalities. Your grandparents were dear friends of mine" The woman says smiling at the young man.

Then Katara and Adira escorted him to the palace where he would be staying. When they arrived he looked at the magnificent ice structure.

"It's beautiful" He says turning to look at Adira. "Yes, my parents aren't here. My father had to go back to Republic City. They were sorry they couldn't come to greet you themselves. So I will extend their welcomes"

"Oh that's fine, I mean as long as you're here" He says smiling back at her. She blushes and nods looking down at her feet.

"I'll be showing you your room, and we can go for a tour" She says leading him up a flight of stairs. They conversed as they walked, catching up with each other.

Katara looked at them smiling.


Adira showed him around for a good hour. Iroh smiled as she talked about her people and their history. He admired the girl as she brought him to her many favorite places in the palace.

Then she stopped. She looked back at him and smiled. "I have something really special to show you"

Then she leads him towards a room that seemed to be far off from the others. They stopped in front of ice carved doors. Adira waved her hands shifting the ice, and the doors opened to reveal a small oasis.

She walked up to the small body of water and kneeled before it. Iroh followed suit. "This is one of the few spiritual places in the South. This is a replica of the real Spirit Oasis back in my home, in the North. In the North the spirit Oasis is the place where the physical forms of the moon and ocean spirits reside"

Then she touches the water. "The Oasis was the very place where I was given life, when I was born I didn't make a sound. My body was cold and my skin was dull and lifeless. The Elders rushed to bring me to the Oasis. They begged the spirits to save me, just as they saved Princess Yue all those years ago"

"Then a miracle happened. Once my body touched the water, life was brought back to me. Then for the first time I cried. My parents were overjoyed and that's why they decided to name me. Adira Yue Moon. In honor of the spirit who saved me and in honor of the princess that saved the spirit" With that the water glowed.

Iroh looked at the girl in shock. Then he looks at her hair, "That would explain the hair" He joked. Adira smiles back at him retreating from the water.

"I've heard about Princess Yue, though I never understood how her story came to be" He says admiring the girl in front of him.

"Yes, there are many versions of the tale. But the only ones who truly know it are those who were there to experience it" She says looking back at the water once more.

He nods. Then he reaches out holds her hand in his. She looks at him. They stare at each other for a while.

They didn't know what they were doing but they leaned in closer to each other. Once their faces were only inches apart he caressed her cheek.

Then he kissed her. She was shocked at first, but she blushed and kisses him back. It felt amazing.

They pulled away and she blushed shyly smiling at him. He smiled at her and held both of her hands.

"You are one amazing girl, Adira"


Sun And Moon ---- General Iroh IIWhere stories live. Discover now