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As Jeston navigated through the crowd, he encountered Veleno, one of his closest friends and confidants. The two men shared a brotherly hug, their bond evident in the warmth of their embrace.

"So, where's that stingy, clingy bee who's always with you?" Veleno teased, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Jeston raised an eyebrow in confusion, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Before he could respond, Switzel, ever the fiery spirit, jumped into the conversation with a playful retort.

"Did you just call me stingy, clingy bee, you MF?" Switzel quipped, her tone laced with mock indignation.

Veleno chuckled at her response, unfazed by her words. "Yeah, I did," he replied with a grin.

Switzel shot back with a playful insult of her own. "Then you're a... donkey," she countered, her playful banter earning a laugh from Jeston.

Realizing that their teasing was bordering on inappropriate, Jeston intervened with a stern tone. "Okay, stop it, guys. This is a formal event. Behave yourselves," he admonished, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Both Veleno and Switzel immediately sobered up, realizing their mistake. "Sorry," they chorused in unison, exchanging sheepish glances.

Switzel, ever the independent spirit, declared her intention to leave. "But I'll remember this. I'll see you later," she announced, shooting a playful glare at Veleno.

Veleno couldn't resist the opportunity to tease her further, mimicking her words with a cheeky grin.

Jeston gave him a pointed look, silently reprimanding them for their behavior. "Sorry," Veleno apologized again, his expression contrite.

As they fell into step together, Veleno couldn't help but broach a more serious topic. "By the way, do you really like her? I mean, any hard feelings?" he asked, his tone earnest.

Jeston chuckled at his friend's curiosity, shaking his head in amusement. "Why? You like her? I can set you up with her, I don't mind," he offered, his playful demeanor evident.

Veleno waved off the suggestion, his gaze turning contemplative. "No way. I'll leave her to you. My eyes are set on someone else. Someone I admire, love, and will always make mine," he confessed, giving Jeston a meaningful look.

Jeston glanced at Veleno, noting the sincerity in his friend's words. "Oh, really? Well, who's the unlucky lady?" he inquired, genuinely curious.

Veleno hesitated for a moment, his expression guarded. "It's no one you know. Just someone I've had my eye on for a while,and yea she would be the luckiest woman in the world" he replied evasively, a hint of mystery in his voice.

Jeston respected his friend's privacy, choosing not to press the matter further. Instead, he offered a supportive nod. "Well, whoever she is, I wish you the best of luck," he said sincerely, a genuine smile playing on his lips.

With that, the two friends continued their conversation, their bond strengthened by the unspoken understanding between them.
As the announcement for the dance echoed through the grand ballroom, couples began to pair off, each lost in the rhythm of the music. Switzel cast a hopeful glance towards Jeston, but he remained steadfast, his gaze fixed on Sarah with unwavering intensity.

Meanwhile, Brianna seized the opportunity to ask Jayzon for a dance, unaware of his burgeoning feelings for Switzel. Oblivious to the turmoil brewing beneath the surface, they twirled across the dance floor, lost in the enchantment of the moment.

Observing them from a distance, Veleno felt a pang of jealousy, his eyes lingering on Switzel with longing. Unable to contain his emotions, he approached her with an offer to dance, hoping to ease the ache in his heart.

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