Chapter 3: Flyimus Prime vs. Barricade

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(Author's notes: In this chapter, Frenzy hacks into Air Force One, but thanks to some intel from an "anonymous source," President Bush's Secret Service agents are well aware of how to deal with the disgusting Decepticon abomination. At the same time, Flyimus Prime will teleport Bumblebee and Leafcutter to the train yard as quietly as possible. I mean, seriously, the model and age of Bumblebee's vehicle mode made him roll a Nat. 1 on stealth in the movie when he drove out of the Witwicky family's parking lot and driveway.

Also, I have a nice surprise in store for when Bumblebee goes to the factory's train yard to signal Optimus Prime, Jazz, Ironhide, and Ratchet. But I ain't gonna spoil it; you'll have to read on to find out what this surprise is.

Enjoy chapter 3: Flyimus Prime vs. Barricade.)

At the Pentagon National Military Command Center, some signals analysts are talking amongst each other.

A bearded analyst then says to Maggie Madsen and another analyst, "Hey, guys. I have reason to believe that the other team figured it out almost immediately. They think it was Iran."

The male analyst who thankfully got himself a nice suit that wasn't too expensive replies while pointing out, "Come on now, dude. This is way too intelligent and advanced for Iranian scientists. All right? Think about it."

A spectacled analyst then asks, "What do you think, kiddo? You think it was the Chinese who did this?"

Maggie then answers, "No way, sir. This is utterly not the technology like the Chinese are using these days."

Meanwhile, onboard Air Force One, an officer says, "This is Air Force One. Current level of flight, level three-three zero."

Secretary Keller then says on a news conference on TV, "We will hunt down this enemy, no matter the cost. And once we do find this enemy, we'll know precisely what to do with them."

Several officers in the main cabin of the airliner are talking with each other.

A flight attendant is serving refreshments to both civilian passengers – presumably government officials – and high-ranking military officers.

A passenger is served coffee and he thanks the flight attendant.

Underneath a seat, a GPX portable stereo boombox radio quickly and quietly transforms to robot mode and scuttles out of the underbelly of the seat without being seen, revealing himself to be Frenzy.

Frenzy takes a peek at the newspaper a well-dressed passenger is reading, and ducks just in time to avoid getting spotted by a passing flight attendant.

The headline and the newspaper just so happened to be reporting about Blackout's attack on the airbase in Qatar.

Meanwhile, a Secret Service agent leads one of the women, Tracy the presidential aide and the lead flight attendant, to President Bush's room, where he's lying in bed watching a news report on the base attack.

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