Chapter 10: Deliberations

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(Flyimus Prime's POV...)

It was the early morning hours of the next day that I found myself waking up quietly due to the Allspark pulsating, telling me to wake up.

I thought to the Allspark, "*^All right, I'm up. What's going on, My Lady?*^"

The Allspark says in my head, "*You remember the events of the past few days and the events soon to come, correct?*"

I answered in thought, "*^Yes, I do.*^"

The Allspark then quietly provided me with a journal, an adjustable pencil with a regenerating point and eraser, and a small flashlight before motioning me to write down the events that happened and to write down a list of my goals according to my foreknowledge shared among my fellow troops from the Quadwal cluster.

After I finished the first list, I then started with the most important ones: "Goal #1: Prevent Optimus from being killed in the Lincoln National Forest Battle. Goal #2: Make sure that the President invents the All Extraterrestrial Peace Treaty, or AEPT for short, to not only welcome allies in Autobots, but also in any alien species of different compositions that arrive on Earth to assist the Autobots in similar situations and vice versa. Goal #3: Ensure that the world leaders don't listen to Sentinel Prime when he gives the ultimatum to exile all '"Autobot rebels"' from Earth. Goal #4: Ensure that all humans allied with the Decepticons suffer the consequences for selling out the planet from which they were born. Goal #5: Ensure that Cemetery Wind and the Transformers Reaction Force are never funded by any future U.S. Presidents whatsoever. Goal #6: Make sure that every Autobot and other heroic Transformer my ancestor didn't revive or chose not to revive are brought back to life if they so wish. Goal #7: Get Mikaela and any of her relatives or friends in the know about the Transformers assigned as Ratchet's protégés. Goal #8: Find the popular Decepticon to Autobot turncoats and convince them to join the Autobots. Goal #9: Show Megatron that The Fallen's promise of making him a Prime was actually a lie. Goal #10: Reignite Sentinel Prime's senses of honor and justice, and kill him if all else fails. And Goal #11: Find a way to end the Great War without any additional Decepticon leaders or lieutenants or habitual traitors other than Starscream, Thrust, and Terrorsaur trying to revive the Decepticons from the ashes."

The Allspark looks over the plans and remarks, "*Rather challenging plans.*"

I nodded before I said in thought, "*^I don't find any reason to be irrational in coming up with plans like these. Is this one out of many reasons you had me as one of your three Bearers?*^"

The Allspark said back in my thoughts, "*Yes, it is. And you're skilled enough to make those goals a reality.*"

I nodded in response to that before closing my journal and putting it away in a subspace that only I can access.

When we all woke up, we had some extra guests, in the form of government advisors for Secretary Keller and President Bush.

They apparently had arrived and been given the basic and advanced rundowns of the situation, and easily persuaded to sign non-disclosure papers.

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