Autobots vs. Sector Seven

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(Author's notes: There's not really much to say except enjoy chapter 5: Autobots vs. Sector Seven.)

A few minutes after the Autobots left the neighborhood, they arrived at the bridge intersection for their ambush point.

All the while, Flyimus Prime secretly used his powers to make sure that the Witwickys and Mikaela got a good night's sleep.

Eventually, the Sector 7 vans that had pulled up to the Witwicky residence by the time the Autobots got to the ambush point pulled away, driving with their passengers/prisoners in tow with the agents.

Flyimus then says, "All right, Autobots. Be ready; they'll be coming in two and a half minutes, in Earth time."

Ironhide replies along with the others, "Understood."

In the lead van, Agent Seymour Simmons asks, "So, uh... LadiesMan two-seventeen. That is your eBay username, right?"

Mikaela looks at Sam questioningly.

Sam replies, "Yeah, but, you know, it was a typo and I ran with it."

Agent Simmons asks in reply, "Well, what do you make of this?"

He plays back a recording of Sam saying, "My name is Sam Witwicky. Whoever finds this, my car is alive – "

But Agent Simmons says over the recording, "That is you, right?"

Mikaela answers for Sam, "Yeah, that definitely sounds like LadiesMan."

Simmons then states, "Last night, you told your parents that your car transformed into a robot. Enlighten me on that one, please."

Sam answers, "Well, here's what I said, okay? 'Cause I thought that someone had stolen my car."

Simmons asks again, "Really?"

Sam answers again, "Yeah, but it turns out it wasn't stolen; it just transformed into a robot and sent a signal into space undetected by even the likes of NASA. And then, the car came back."

Mikaela says, "Well, not by itself."

Sam answers, "That's right, it didn't just do that."

Mikaela remarks jokingly, "No, because real cars don't do that, because that would be crazy!"

Madison, Sam, Mikaela, the van driver, and Agent Simmons burst out laughing.

Simmons eventually says before asking, "That's pretty funny! That is so hilarious. So, what do you kids know about aliens, huh?"

Sam answers, "Oh, you mean like a Martian? Or, what, E.T.? Pfft. No, I don't know anything."

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