Chapter 11: New Arrivals

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(Author's notes: Enjoy the REAL finale, everybody!)

(Third person POV...)

Two weeks after the Battle for Mission City and the negotiations for the Autobots and the founding of the All Extraterrestrial Peace Treaty, at Autobot Headquarters in Diego Garcia provided by Flyimus Prime's limitless amounts of money, the Autobots are outside waiting for the new arrivals led by one of Optimus' lieutenants, Ultra Magnus.

After three minutes, the Autobot ship called the Iron Hope, a ship the size of the Aligned continuity iterations of the Nemesis in this timeline, touches down on the landing strip invented by Flyimus Prime's powers.

As soon as the ship touches down, the ramp opens and out steps Ultra Magnus.

Flyimus and his army can see that this Ultra Magnus resembles a mixture of the Generation 1 Ultra Magnus and different types of concept art of Ultra Magnus as a Movieverse character made by fans put together.

Optimus says with a smile on his faceplate, "Ultra Magnus, old friend. It's good to see you again."

Ultra Magnus replies while shaking Optimus' servo, "The feeling's mutual, sir."

Then out comes Afterbreaker who looks like the Hasbro version of the Combiner Wars Afterburner, the original Generation 1 Afterburner, Afterburst who looks like the TakaraTomy version of the United Warriors Afterburner as a Combiner Wars Afterbreaker repaint, Agoracer, Air Raid 1, the Revenge of the Fallen Airazor, Alpha Bravo, Arcee, Arctus, Armorhide, Armorshriek based on the two different designs of Skids and Mudflap's concept art triplet brother, Astroiron, who resembles a hybrid combination of Afterburner and the Primeverse Arcee, Astrobreaker, who resembles a hybrid combination of the Dark of the Moon Astrotrain and the RID 2001 Railspike, Backfire, Backstop, Backtrack, Backwind, Beachbreak, Beachcomber, Beacon, Big Daddy, Blades, Blazemaster, Blowpipe, Bluestreak, Bodyblock, Bomb-Burst, Brainstorm, Brake-Neck, Brawn, Breacher, Breakaway 2, Breakburst, Breaktorch, who resembles a hybrid combination of the Generation 1 Afterburner and the Revenge of the Fallen Elita One, Buckshot, Bumper, Burstbreaker, who resembles a hybrid combination of the Movieverse Arcee and the Generation 1 Afterburner, Caliburst, Camshaft, Chain Gun, Chromia, Circuit, Cliffjumper, Clocker, Cloudraker, Cosmos, Cromar, Darkspeed, who resembles a hybrid combination of the Generation 1 Lightspeed and the Dark of the Moon Darksteel, Darksteed, who resembles a hybrid combination of the Generation 1 Breakdown and the Revenge of the Fallen Darksteel, Deep Dive, Deftwing, Depthcharge, Dogfight, Double Clutch, Doublecross, Doubleheader, Downdome, Downshift, Dragoyell, Drydock, Dune Runner, Eagle Eye, Eclipse, Elita One, Evac, Falcon, Fallback, Fastcrunch, Fireflight, Firetrap, Flak, Flanker, Flash, Flattorch, who resembles a hybrid combination of the Generation 1 Afterburner and the Cybertron Joyride, Fly-Up, Gears, Grimstone, Grindcore, Groove, Groundspike, Hardlock, who resembles the Movieverse 2007 Breakaway with a different name, Hawking, Heavytread, Highbrow, Hoist, Hot Spot, Hot Zone, Hubbat, Hubcap, Huffer, Inferno, Iron Claw, Ironside, Jolt, Knock Out, Kup, Landbolt, Landmine, Lightspeed, Lightstorm, who resembles the Hasbro Combiner Wars Lightspeed, Mainsaur, Meteorfire, Mindbeat, Missile Run, Mudflap, Nightbeat, Nosecone, Nosedrill, who resembles the Hasbro Combiner Wars Nosecone, Pinpoint, Prowl, Quickslinger, Raker, Ridge, Roadsmart, Roadwise, Rocketbot, Rocketwhip, Rollbar, Salvage, Sandstorm, Scattershot, Searchlight, Seaspray, Sideheader, Sideswipe, Signal Flare, Silverbolt, Skids, Skyblast, Skyburst, Skydive, Slap Dash, Slingshot, Slipstream, Smokescreen, Sphinx, Springer, Stakeout, Steelrocket, who resembles the Hasbro Combiner Wars Strafe, Steelshot, Streetwise, Streetsmart, Stockade, Stormsteed, who resembles the Reveal The Shield Strafe, the Generation 1 Strafe, Stratosphere, Strongarm, Sunstreaker, Supersonic, Swashplate, Swerve, Tailgate, Tomahawk, Trailback, Trailbreaker, Triggerout, Twinferno, Victorygrin, Whirl, Wideload, Windblade, Wingblade, Wing Saber, Gritcloud, Afterscrap, Afterscraps, Apecrusher, Apescrap, Aquasplitter, Backheap, Blowload, Blowsteel, Bluesteel, Bodyhammer, Bodysplitter, Bomblift, Bombscraps, Toxicbreak, Greasethnder, Springshift, Boulderbuster, Boulderdrive, Boulderfoot, Boulderscream, Boulderstrike, Breakheap, Broadload, Brushcrusher, Bulletheap, Cinderfire, Cinderjaw, Spacechill, Cliffpounder, Cracklift, Crackquake, Cracksteel, Deftheap, Depthheap, Dirtrake, Dirtstop, Dirtwar, Doomsplitter, Doublebuster, Doublecrusher, Dreadscrap, Dunecrusher, Dustjaw, Fieryblitz, Sonicstreak, Auxracer, Flashbuster, Flightscrap, Flightscraps, Flyheap, Grindmine, Grindscrap, Grounddash, Halfscrap, Heavycrusher, Highbrawn, Hookclaw, Hookflow, Hookglide, Hookglitch, Hookstorm, Hydraubird, Hydrauside, Hydrausiren, Hydrauwar, Hydrauwire, Hypermine, Hypersplitter, Jawscrap, Alabasterroad, Junkcircuit, Junkdive, Junkshot, Junktracks, Junkvortex, Kickclash, Kickflash, Kickquake, Kickslide, Kicksteel, Kickthing, Lasersmoke, Landslinger, Lightscrap, Longsight, Magnaheap, Magmaload, Magnaload, Magmasplitter, Magnasplitter, Nightpounder, Oilboom, Oilframe, Oilsnarl, Phasepounder, Pyrosplitter, Ramrcer, Quicktracks, Rhicrusher, Halfrave, Rolllift, Scrapblade, Scrapblades, Aerocircuit, Scraptop, Scrapviper, Scorchload, Sidecrusher, Sidescrap, Slampounder, Slipscraps, Doubleheat, Soundscrap, Starload, Starsplitter, Lightpeak, Stonecone, Starrazer, Stonedive, Stonedome, Stonesling, Swiftsplitter, Tigascrap, Twinsplitter, Vicescrap, Voltdrive, Voltheap, Wideboom, Widehammer, Widejump, Goldsweeper, Cannonbar, Wreckbuster, Wreckraid, Wrecktracks, Wreckways, Breezeosphere, Windosphere, Zephyrsphere, Troposphere, Queen Bee, Arrowbullet, Autojetter, Axalon, Balloon, Barrel Roll, Blast Master, Broadside, Choppermaster, Cometscream, Cop-Tur, Dai Atlas, Deceptor, Delta Seeker, Dropshot, Eclipse, Eagle Eye, Fireball, Firedive, Firefly, Fireshot, Firestorm, Firestrike, Firethrower, Froid, Fuzer, Galaxy Shuttle, Galaxtica, Groundshaker, Gunrunner, Hawking, Jetmaster, the Animated Jetstorm, Jetstrike, Jetwing, King Atlas, Laserwreck, Mach, Machtackle, Maverick, Megascream, Metalhawk, Missile Master, Motorwing, Nightcruz, Nightflight, Overair, Phaser, Powerglide, Pulsestorm, Quakebreak, Rack 'n' Ruin, Ravenspar, R-Blade, Redscream, Rescue Force, Reversescream, Ro-Tor, Rotorbolt, Rotorstorm, Scattor, Scoutjet, Screamtron, Silverarrow, Six-Gun, Silverbullet, Skybeam, Skyboom, Skyfall, Skyfeather, Sky Garry, Skyhammer, Sky High, Sky Shadow, Skysledge, Skytop, Skywave, Sneakerscream, Sonic Bomber, Spiderscream, Spitfire, Spinaway, Sprunghead, Star Cloud, Stealth Bomber, Stealth Saber, Steel Wind, Stormhammer, Storm Jet, Stormshot, Strafe, Sunrunner, Terradive, Tracer, Tread Bolt, Treadshot, Vanquish, Whisper, Windcut, Windrazor, Windrim, Windsail, Windsweeper, Wing, Wingwaver, X-Gunner, Sandcase, Longdown, Search Haul, Buzzbolt, Hardcross, Rotorwave, Speedray, Kickscream, Highshot, Armorcase, Bulkhorn, Strikeway, Junkburst, Longbird, Tigercharger, Cinderfist, Strikehorn, Tigerbeam, Ripblaze, Grizztrap, Neutrowhip, Grizzblight, Meltthing, Shockhawk, Chainblast, Phasetop, Hangflow, Helitrack, Slamscope, Neutroscope, Cloudline, Blowlight, Kickstop, Chromestrong, Strikebird, Cliffcut, Groovebolt, Shadowways, Voltblaze, Hailtron, Astrohide, Quickraider, Hailblitz, Rumblebang, Grimspike, Oilbrawn, Ripraider, Whirlsplit, Leoways, Flashrunner, Fangbutton, Soundcase, Vicemine, Sidedome, Turbosiren, Divecase, Acidclutch, Ionclutch, Novaclutch, Crosssling, Swiftblaze, Rotorflight, Divelift, Flossscramble, Silverbrawn, Leocrack, Nightflash, Lockcase, Hammertrack, Stormwave, Widekick, Bronzetrap, Grimframe, Steelray, Grindboom, Aquablades, Autoheap, Tigasteel, Hydrapounder, Depthfoot, Viceblades, Fieryload, Swifttwitch, Joltspin, Savageload, Icecloud, Speedraker, Twinload, Gloomswitch, Bullettrack, Fistbeam, Freeworks, Phasestrike, Goldsmoke, Flylane, Shadowwar, Shockcut, Dropray, Scorchline, Slamscrap, Oilflow, Dinokick, Viceworks, Hydrausling, Shadestrike, Bullstorm, Buzzcycle, Apejaw, Ripbolt, Autojump, Crankblades, Flatmine, Rhiwise, Frostshuttle, Firedealer, Solarstream, Shockback, Stoneslide, Silvercrusher, Sparkspin, Cliffhorn, Cracksweep, Oillift, Starbeam, Grizzraker, Sonicjet, Sonicfire, Planeignite, Jetfighter, Lightningfire, Planefire, Flameplane, Sonicsky, Dreadrock, Flyfire, Flyrock, Dreadfire, Dreadburst, Flyburst, Cannonpounder, Wreckburner, Flint Shot, Pipeside, Victoryframe, Litstar, Banzaiframe, Razorstick, Fortressshell, Roadspan, Crossspin, Knockrock, Firenose, Mindspray, Splash Saber, Roughbreaker, Dreadspan, Doublepipe, Victory Off, Astrotrack, Steelpipe, Hotclaw, Counterspeed, Rollasor, Apelane, Stonestick, Mixtrack, Dead High, Polarbite, Firewolf, Sidejump, Shockhopper, Holewatch, Sureburner, Nose Magnus, Long End, Headbite, Flintdrive, Fortressway, Needlelock, Surespan, Beachbox, Redshock, Hosecap, Battleshaft, Victoryshaft, Head Saber, Breakspin, Magmadown, Aileron, Simianjoint, Backstop, Blocker, Bluestreak, Silverstreak, Firenose, Mindspray, CatSCAN, Circuit, Crest, Splash Saber, Rayrake, Dillo, Drop Zone, Blurblock, Fisitron, Fractyl, Spacejet, Circuitcross, Toxicstreak, Auburnbike, Hyperion, Impactor, Firewolf, Counterspeed, Ironfist, Condorslide, Scattertitan, Masterdominus, Minerva, Mol, Pullshuttle, Night Viper, Pullrun, Dead High, Packrat, Piston, Primal Prime, Punch, Pyro, Nose Magnus, Ramulus, Ricochet, Sidejump, Shockhopper, Rodimus Primal, Scoop, Sentinel Maximus, Sixknight, Smashdown, Drillwedge, Spindle, Spittor, Sureburner, Tap-Out, Threnody, Thunder Clash, Tigatron, Tripwire, Twintwist, Wide Scope, Clobber, Hammerbyte, Red Five, Thunderhowl, Autoceptor, Bodyblock, Deceptor, Endo, Flatfoot, Kaltor, Knockdown, Levitacus, Overcharge, Sackstop, Fleurr, Flopshot, Clevytread, Trot Shot, Peritus Maximus, Ravenus, Riptide, Scorpia, Sentinel Minor, Avalon, Bulkhead, Checkpoint, Landquake, Trovercast, Quickstrike, Road Rebel, Roadblock, Scattor, Sky Shadow, Skyboom, Storm Jet, Sureshock, High Wire, Crindor, Terradive, Torque, Tow-Line, Treadbolt, Treadshot, Windrazor, Sneckage, Anti-Blaze, Big Red, Cradon, Crosswise, Drench, Excellion, Hightail, Joyride, King Atlas, Landslide, Longrack, Benasor, Choughplex, Monocle, Overhaul, Override, Phreaker, Quickmix, Quickslinger, Railspike, Rapid Run, Midnight Express, Repugnus, Twinferno, Grotesque, Crackleware, Spurge, Scythe, Sentinel Maximus, Signal Lancer, Six-Speed, Skytop, Skysickle, Stripmine, Thunderstick, Code Red, Ectotron, Gigawatt, JP93, Maverick, Mega Dozer, Mega Hauler, Motor Load, Motormix, Power Digger, Skyhook, Stripes, Beta Maxx, Daytonus, Clevy Load, Sightower, Nightcruz, Trimlock, Side Burn, Indy Heat, Wedge, X-Brawn, Revo, and Falcatron.

But then, for some, the other new Autobots that came out were as follows: Kaleidscope, the leader of one of many femme Aerialbot trines with nigh limitless patience, and with strategic brilliance like no other. Chimesphere, same as Kaleidscope. Tremorfront, the calmer part of an Autobot Femme Triplet Team. Mercuryglimmer, an Autobot femme who is the more hotheaded part of the Autobot Femme Triplet Team. Edugeneration, same as Chimesphere and Kaleidscope. Dormryder, one of the most dangerous Autobot femmes similar to Sideswipe. Fitchback, one of the most dangerous Autobots around. Tuneshine, one of few Autobots to be able to match Bumblebee and Blurr in speed. Spickstart, one of the few Autobots to be able to make a clean getaway in an instant. Steelstrike, an Autobot martial artist whose skill is comparable to Yoketron, Optimus, Starscream, and Megatron. Squalldriver, an Autobot femme who is as skilled as Sideswipe. Timeglobe, an Autobot Aerialbot who is always calm, even in the face of adversity or being deactivated. Redstar, the trusted Autobot Aerialbot medic. His younger brother and trine-mate Supernova, also an Autobot Aerialbot and leader of the first and only Autobot Seeker trine at the time of the early days of the War for Cybertron. Solarstorm, Optimus Prime's older brother and head soldier of the Aerialbots in a higher rank than even Silverbolt. Flashfire, an Autobot who loves pranks as much as Sunstreaker and Sideswipe. Magnesium, Ironhide's younger sister and lookalike twin. Nightfire, an Autobot Cyber-Ninja who's as silent and deadly as they come. Gigabug, Bumblebee's oldest cousin and Aerialbot sergeant. Blastilad, Jazz's younger brother and second sergeant in the Autobot ground forces. Sol Knight, Ironhide's older cousin, weapon blacksmith, and heavily armed martial artist. Exafeater, Ratchet's oldest brother and medic. Megalam, Optimus Prime's oldest cousin and Triple Changer lieutenant of the Elite Guard. Dracollioth, Optimus Prime's older sister and head soldier of the Autobot armies on an equal rank to her brother. Bloodtrex, Ironhide's oldest brother, weapon armorer, medic, inventor, and Autobot lieutenant. Beetledon, Jazz's younger sister, saboteur, lieutenant, and surveillance specialist. Lightning Mite, Jetfire's older brother and Aerialbot lieutenant. Paleowynd, Jetfire's younger brother and Aerialbot leader of the second Autobot Seeker trine from the middle days of the war. Boosterdominus, Silverbolt's oldest brother and Aerialbot commander. Racshell, Silverbolt's second older brother and Aerialbot sergeant. Goldnite, Air Raid's older sister and Aerialbot trooper. Tracevore, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker's oldest cousin. Skeliwave, Mirage's older sister and stealth combat strategist. Spintiger, Jolt's older brother and medic. Bronzemutate, Roadbuster's older brother, Wrecker, engineer, and weapons manufacturer. Transdle, Roadbuster's older sister, Wrecker, engineer, armorer, and invincible walking armory. Trispoiler, Topspin's older brother, Wrecker, engineer, medic, and invincible armorer. Bulletcranius, Topspin's older sister, Wrecker, engineer, chemist, medic, and lieutenant. Verteteer, Leadfoot's older brother, Wrecker, engineer, religious instructor, religious scientist, and weapon forger. Bunkerbreak, Leadfoot's older sister, Wrecker, engineer, combat instructor, weapon forger, and invincible walking armory. Wingatom, Stratosphere's older brother and reliable transport. Atombat, Stratosphere's older sister, reliable transport, and Aerialbot bomber. Cometfinger, Jetstorm's older brother, Aerialbot bomber, Aerialbot cargo transport, and Aerialbot captain. Marvel Maxx, Megatron's oldest brother, Aerialbot commander, Aerialbot strategist, and Aerialbot combat instructor. Triumphbros, Starscream's older brother, Aerialbot captain and Autobot lieutenant. Vigiltonus, Flash's older brother and soldier. And among others, Blotboot, Maroonchaser, Slipslide, Axleray, Hitchface, Triggerstar, Smokebell, Whistlesky, Majorwhistle, Plumwalk, Grooveslide, Rambleking, Skystorm, Skylancer, Hyperray, Buzzquake, Quickkick, Whitetitan, Cannonsiren, Rimewalk, Copperdown, Starwolf, Dronerain, Whirlsheer, Flameflame, Icefrost, Matchsmoke, Hydrobolt, Scatterhawk, Beatbox, Sidecar, Condor, Photoshop, Fluxwalk, Hangersight, Firehail, Chimesky, Novadrag, Blotshutter, Landaxe, Skullblaze, Firedraft, Whirldust, and Hyperzip.

Optimus in particular was so happy to see his sibling again that he cried, something that the other Autobots were taken by surprise about.

In no time, the Autobots on both sides got to know each other.

And Flyimus looks towards the camera and says telepathically, "And soon, the events of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen will change."

The End.

(Author's notes: THERE IT IS, FOLKS! See you allin Transformers Revenge of the Fallen: Defending the World Chapter 1: TheShanghai Battle, or any of my other current stories.)

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