Chapter 6: The Hoover Dam

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(Author's notes: In this chapter, Flyimus Prime will be given a special gift by the Allspark that will be revealed at the end of the final battle in the next chapter: the ability to use the Allspark's power in the infinite sense in any way possible, including the ability to rebuild the Allspark's physical form in case it is ever destroyed.

Enjoy chapter 6: The Hoover Dam.)

(Third person POV...)

Soon, everyone arrives at the Hoover Dam and the Autobot crews all transform to robot mode.

Sam and Mikaela look over the Hoover Dam as the Frenzy clone escapes everyone's notice.

Lennox then calls out, "Team, attention! Present arms!"

Lennox's team plus new members saluted Secretary Keller and President Bush.

President Bush states, "At ease, soldiers."

Secretary Keller remarks, "Captain Lennox, Sergeant Epps, we got your intel. You and your crew did an excellent job."

Lennox replies before asking, "Thank you, sir. What about the gunships?"

Secretary Keller answers, "Oh, they're being equipped with sabot rounds now. If they attack us again, we'll be ready for them. But, with the assistance of these guys, (He gestures to the Autobots) we've got a chance even if worldwide communications are down."

President Bush comes up to Flyimus and remarks, "So, you must be our anonymous source. Flyimus Prime."

Everyone turns to Flyimus in shock.

Optimus questions, "Flyimus, you were the President's anonymous source of information and foreknowledge?"

Flyimus answers humbly, "Yes. And I had to do something to help accelerate the joint efforts of the human race and the Autobot army forming an alliance against the Decepticons and against all other threats."

Mikaela then inquires, "So, I take it you did everything you could to save the soldiers attacked by Blackout and Scorponok?"

Flyimus nods sadly.

Agent Simmons then says as he approaches Flyimus, "Hey, big guy. I think we got off to a bad start, huh?"

Flyimus shrinks down to human size and answers, "Yes, we got off to a bad start because, with all due military respect, you guys didn't have enough information about us to draw a smart, logical conclusion."

Simmons replies, "Ah, I see. So, how can we determine the differences between you guys and the police car robot?"

Flyimus displays the Autobot and Decepticon symbols as he explains, "My friends, the Autobots, we use this red-faced symbol in a variety of other colors to signify that we are war heroes who care deeply about each other and about anyone that gets dragged into our civil war. The Decepticons, on the other hand, they use this purple symbol, also in a variety of other colors, to signify that they are planet-conquering, sinister, remorseless warmongering terrorists. Along with that, a big majority of the Autobots typically transform into civilian ground vehicles, while the Decepticons heavily favor military aircraft and ground military vehicles."

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