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Warrick woke up once again, this time Khumbani and Sean were with him in his bed.
Sean rested snuggly in between them, mostly laying against Warrick's body. Khumbani had his back to them and is dead asleep.

It's still dark and night out. Warrick took a deep breath and just stared out at the ceiling.

He glanced towards Khumbani when he shifted his weight, now laying against Sean's body as well. What a nice sight…

Warrick immediately formed realities in his mind. Maybe he and Khumbani get together. They love and care for each other. Then there's Sean.

What if he is turned? What if they raised him from there to be a wise and kind hearted person…like Khumbani is?

In any scenario Warrick thought off, he wouldn't mind if he got any one of them. The lone idea of just being with Khumbani made Warrick feel warm and fuzzy inside.

He shifted his own weight, laying down on his side, making Sean shift as well. Warrick spooned Sean from behind as Khumbani laid his head on Sean's out stretched arm.

Warrick drifted to sleep, a smile on his face.


Dan was yet again out breath. His mother dragged on training longer than the last time. Devon wanted to tear Zelda to pieces for the bad treatment, but he had to hold himself back.

Alpha arrived, his smile dropping when he saw how tired Dan was. “I said to train him, not to kill him!” Alpha barked.

“Yeah, well! He has years of training to catch up on! I'm not going to baby him!” Zelda shot back.

“STOP IT!” Dan snapped.

Alpha looked at Dan. “Dan, lad…did she explain to you how the Alpha Spirit ritual works?” Both Devon and Dan looked confused.

Devon stood next to Dan, rubbing his back as he handed Dan water. “No one said anything about that.” He said as Dan gulped the water down.

Alpha glared at Zelda who shrugged. “I must've forgot.” She smiled innocently, looking away.

Devon glared at her. “Alpha…explain.”

“So, we figured that it would help Dan more if he had the entirety of the Alpha Spirit. With the training it might trigger his transformation.”

“When is this ritual?” Dan asked, starting to catch his breath back in his lungs.

“Soon, we figured out that somewhere next week, the sun will be right above one of our sacred spaces. We need to concentrate the sun light when it's at the brightest time of the day.”

“And then?”

“We start the ritual. Dan will be in the sunlight while Wennie, Zelda and I start chanting a prayer for Kåwl.” Alpha explained. “Dan should learn the prayer as well.”

Dan started to feel a headache coming up. Too much…too much.

Devon noticed Dan's silence and started to rub his back. “Can we do it tomorrow? I think he had enough for today.”

“Princy, you're not his Master anymore. You don't have a say over when he had enough.” Zelda smirked.

Devon glared at Zelda. “At least I know him better than his own mother. He's tired and out breath. You did enough for today.” Devon snarled.

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