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Valaria ran, telling the staff to evacuate as she passed them, and not to come back if they wanted to live. Some took the warning seriously, some stayed.
Valaria gripped Gabriel tightly in her arms, fear coursing through her for te first time in a kong while. “Leave…me here.”

“No! I'm not losing you, too!”

Eventually, she found herself in the dinning hall. She eagerly looked around for a place to get out. Fear gripped her even more tightly. There was no other door to use…The windows were her only option.

“What's…that?” Gabriel asked, going in and out of consciousness. Valaria frowned, looking out the window.

She saw a large black wolf, “Are they with Dan?” Valaria frowned. She repositioned Gabriel in her arms. She had to focus.
Her eyes glowed silvery as the chairs floated into the air. Intertwining the chairs into a ball, she threw it towards the windows, smashing the chairs and glass into splitters and shards.
The chairs crashed on the ground below, jumping through the hole she had made, cutting herself on her legs and arms, she landed on the grass.

The wolf ran towards her as she groaned. “Gabriel…” Valaria groaned. Turning to her husband she saw he was still breathing, but in pain. The wolf paced around her, egging her on to get up.

“Here let me help you!” Valaria saw a familiar face helping her up. “We're going to help you, your highness. Just hold on, please.” Wennie effortlessly picked Gabriel's body up, handing him over to Valaria.

“You're…you're Wennie?” Valaria frowned. “You're the one that took of with the pets…”

“Yes, that's me.” Wennie quickly admitted. “But right now you need to trust me. We received a distress signal from Devon and Dan.”

“I'm afraid you're too late. Devon and Warrick are turned to stone and Dan is chained and captured.” Wennie's eyes widen. She turned to the black wolf and then to where Valaria had crashed out from.

Valaria's eyes widen when she saw Wennie's eyes glow purple. “Who?” She growled.

“My other son. You can't fight him! He'll kill us all! We need to escape!” The black wolf stood next to Wennie.

“God, I hate it when you're right!” Wennie scolded the wolf.

“What's this? More wolves?” Valaria's eyes widen when she saw Quinton in the window a dangerous blue aura surrounding him. Wennie turned to snap only to go pale, taking a step back.

“Loxen…that's Loxen's staff.” Wennie gasped, her body stiff with fear. The black wolf quickly threw both women on his back, making a run for it to the woods.

Valaria held onto the fur off the wolf. She watched as Wennie jumped off, transforming into a wolf form. Her shape changed and contracted to the form of a wolf.

“Werewolves?” Valaria said shocked. Dan transformed into one. A much bigger one, but he had a different transformation.

“Queen lady.” To Valaria's other side a brown and white wolf ran next to her with Sean on her back.

“Sean!” Valaria said shocked.

She kept looking back, hoping she wouldn't see Quinton. She did hope to see her other sons running to catch up with them.

Valaria didn't know how long she had run for until she saw an old farm house starting to show itself. It was quiet. The wolves slowed down, out of breath.
The black wolf looked at the queen asking them to get off. She did as asked. She looked down at Gabriel. He was still breathing.

“What the hell is going on!” She looked up to see Paul.

“Is he a werewolf, too?”

Wennie shifted back into her humanoid form. “Yes…your highness, we can explain everything.”

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