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Dan touched Devon's shoulder. “Dan…” Devon's eyes dimmed down.

“Was that Warrick?” Dan asked worried. “You look tense.”

“Quinton is going to take over as King in my absence. We have to cut our time here a bit short.”

Dan smiled as he gripped Devon's arm. “It's okay. I can pretend to be a pet for a bit.” Dan slipped his hands under Devon's arms hugging him. He rested his chin on his chest. “I am yours afterall.”

Devon smirked, holding onto Dan. “You're way to precious.” Devon rested his head on Dan's head. “Let's get to doing that ritual.”

Dan stepped back, grasping Devon's hand. “I must say, you look beautiful in this outfit.” Dan smiled at Devon's remark.

Devon looked down at his clothes. He was shirtless, left in pants made from animal skin and had war paint smeered over his chests and arms.

Dan however, he wore an animal skin shorts with the warpaint, but he had symbols of the Alpha Spirit painted on his arms and forehead.

“And you look like a warrior of nature.” Devon complemented. They headed down a rocky path, going into a cave as the sun light beat down on everything it touched.
Removing their shoes at the entrance, they continued inward to the deepest part of the cave.

Wennie found them, and lead Dan to the middle of the room. Above him, he could see the blue skies.

“The sun is almost in the optimal position!” Wennie announced. Devon winked at Dan before going to where he had to be.

Dan smiled as Devon's hands left his. He looked down and saw on the ground, symbols were carved into the rock that matched the ones on his arms, torso and forehead.

The marks of Kåwl. A symbol of power for the god of the Sun and Life.

Dan took a deep breath standing in the middle of the sircle. Many werewolves surrounded the outside with Devon between them. Alpha broke through the circle.

Like Dan, he had th symbols painted on him, alongside with the war paint and animal skin clothes.

“Dan, it's almost time to start reciting the prayer we taught you.”

“I know it.” Dan assured with nod. Alpha looked up at the sun, squinting as he did. “Now?” Dan asked.

“Yes. One…two…three.” Alpha started to recite the prayer to Kåwl, holding Dan's hands as he did. Dan spoke with him in unison. Around the second round of reciting the prayer, the outer ring of werewolves did the same.

God of the Sun and Life
Hear this prayer of power
Now time to bear the next
A new spirit to rise to leadership
Kåwl, god of all that's good.
Lead the Dymas pack to that of truth and justice!
Lead with kindness and prosperity.
Alpha of the wolves, never leave us astray and help us shine through.

Devon watched in awe as the symbols on Alpha glowed a bright purple. The symbols started to warp and move.

They converged at Alpha's hand. He grunted a bit, forcing himself to let go of Dan's hands, releasing the power over to Dan.

The glow, now on the symbols on Dan, made Dan kneel down to his knee on the ground as he screamed. Alpha shot a warning look at Devon, not to interfere, the moment Dan started to scream.

Devon watched as Dan's size increased. White fur grew on his forearms and back. Dan stood on all four, growling and howling.

Everyone watched in amazement as the transformation slowly completed itself. A puff of white fog made everyone cover their faces and chest in defense.

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