Season 1 Episode 12: Light shines in darkness

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(Watch Opening)

The loud scream was heard as we see Mai dueling against a random opponent. Her eyes were widened with disbelief and fright as her three harpies were destroyed as her life points dropped to zero.

 Her eyes were widened with disbelief and fright as her three harpies were destroyed as her life points dropped to zero

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<Mai> 800-800/ 0LP *Lose*
<???> ???LP *Winner*

???: Bye-bye, birdies.

Mai: My harpies! They're gone.

Across the duel stadium, a veil of shadows looms over the entire side of the duel arena as it fades away revealing a large man who was cackling in amusement over Mai's defeat.

Across the duel stadium, a veil of shadows looms over the entire side of the duel arena as it fades away revealing a large man who was cackling in amusement over Mai's defeat

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??: Heh heh heh heh. I think you mean eliminated. Just like you. Now hand over all your star chips, you loser! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Mai looks down as she pressed a button which made all eight of her star chips fall from her glove. She was lowered down from the platform as the man walked over towards her with a heavy chuckle as a voice calls out to her.

Yugi: Mai! Are you okay?!

From the woods, Yugi, Jason, Amikou and the others ran out towards the arena where Mai looked at them ashamed with herself.

Mai: You're too late.

Amikou: Too late for what?

Joey: This sideshow freak giving you a hard time?

???: That's right. Just like Pegasus pays me to do. Root out all the duelling filth
on this island and dispose of it.

Tristan: Doesn't that make you a garbage man?

Mai: This is no joke! Panik's one of the island's eliminators, and if you don't
get out of here, he's gonna do to you
what he did to me.

Yugi: Eliminator? What's that, Mai?

Panik walks over and grabs onto Mai's wrist, forcibly holding her arm up to reveal an empty duel glove.

Panik: Look. This is what she means, right here. Check out her duelist's glove.
Not a star chip left.

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