Season 1 Episode 6: Attack from the deep

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(Watch Opening)

An overhead shot of the Duelist Kingdom island is seen as Joey walked with a new found pep in his step, looking down at his Duel Glove to see the newly added second star resting in the slot.

An overhead shot of the Duelist Kingdom island is seen as Joey walked with a new found pep in his step, looking down at his Duel Glove to see the newly added second star resting in the slot

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Joey: Whooey! Heh heh. Two stars. This is so awesome. I can't believe it happened. Am I cool, or what? Heh heh heh heh.

Standing infront of him were the rest of the group as they listen to his victory celebration.

Tea: Is there a time limit on how long
he gets to crow?

Jason: Cut him some slack, will ya Tea?

Tristan: Yeah, did you ever think
Joey would actually beat Mai in a duel?
I mean, Joey... Who would've thought?

Amikou: I knew he'd do good right from the start.

Yugi: I'm really proud of you, Joey.

Joey: Yeah!....

Suddenly the sound of an empty stomach is heard as Joey quickly placed a hand on his stomach as he groans.

Suddenly the sound of an empty stomach is heard as Joey quickly placed a hand on his stomach as he groans

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Joey: Uhh, all that duelin' made me hungry. Did any of you guys remember to bring any food with you?

All: Sorry, Joe.

Amikou: I have some, but I only packed enough stuff to last me a day or two.

Joey: Awww. What were we thinking
coming here with no food? How are we ever gonna get through the rest of the competition without anything to eat?

Yugi: That's a good question, Joey. This dueling really takes it out of you, and I haven't seen any burger stands or restaurants since we got here.

Jason: Yugi, it's a deserted island owned by a rich business owner. What were you expecting? A theme park? I'm shocked you didn't pack stuff yourself just in case like Amikou and I did.

Joey quickly ran up to Jason, grabbing him by the shoulders.

Joey: C'mon dude, help us out 'ere! You and Ami got some food so we should be good, right?

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