Long ago, when the pyramids were still young, the Egyptian Kings played a game of great and terrible power. But these Shadow Games erupted into a war that threatened to destroy the entire world. Until a brave and powerful pharaoh locked the magic aw...
Somewhere in Domino City, Joey and the group were hanging around in the center of the busy street. Joey was sitting down casually with his head down while Amikou, Tea, Solomon and Tristan were standing. A regular-looking duelist stood a few feet away from the group before hurrying off.
Tristan: You shoulda challenged him. You woulda destroyed 'im 1, 2, 3. C'mon. You're just two locator cards away from the finals!
Joey: ....Hmph, He was a lightweight.
Amikou: Huh?
Joey: I got a reputation to uphold ova here. I can't go dueling every inexperienced chump I see!
Tristan's eyes widen upon hearing this as he recoils a bit before trying to talk some sense into Joey's head.
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Tristan: Whaaat? You're outta your mind, Joey. Dude, I don't care if that guy couldn't even play go fish! His locator cards are just as good as anyone else's, and you need 'em now!
Joey: Look, Tristan, you don't understand how it feels. I came in third place in Duelist Kingdom. Dat puts alotta pressure on me ta kick some serious keister in dis tournament. No one's gonna claim Joey Wheeler did it the easy way.
Amikou looks over at Joey with a soft smile, happy to see her friend's determined act as Joey stood up.
Joey: Plus after da way I been duelin' lately, I know I'm ready to take on anyone in Battle City, and I mean anyone!!
Amikou: I can agree with you there, Joey. You've been doing amazing so far in the tournament.
Solomon: Well... It's true your dueling skills have improved quite a bit... Especially during your last two duels. But besides having confidence in oneself, Joey, being a great duelist means knowing that there's always more to learn...
Seto: Well, what do we have here?
The group turned to see Seto and Mokuba had arrived as the young CEO stared directly at Joey with his usual glare.
Tea: Kaiba?
Seto: Let me guess, Wheeler... An amateur like you lost your first duel, am I right?
Joey: Amateur!? I'm goin' to da top! I got four locator cards already won!
Seto only smirked with a scoff as he crossed his arms.
Seto: Hmph, even a blind squirrel finds a nut eventually, Wheeler. Hope you prepare yourself for when you get utterly defeated, cause that'll be a short fall. Let's go, Mokuba. We've wasted enough time here.
Mokuba: R-right!.... Bye, Sis!
The younger Kaiba brother waved at Amikou as she waved back. All the while, Joey didn't like the fact of being insulted so casually as he grits his teeth before cracking a grin.