Cpt 4. Time and Sleep?🕰

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It had been 2 weeks since you had officially met Alastor, and ever since then he would pop in everyday at the same time, 3:30 pm. During the day he was "helping" Charlie and at 3:30 he would pop in and come hang out with you or just watch you on the days you were with the girls Cloe and Nevaeh. This particular day you and Alastor were in your room sitting on your bed, and you had exactly 3 months till Lumine's return. Currently you were venting to Alastor about how stressed you were for him to return.

"You know, my darling little angel, my offer still stands." Alastor said taking your hands in his catching you slightly off guard. "Offer?" you questioned. "Yes my dear, the one about fixing your problem with Lumine." Alastor seemed to cringe as he mentioned Lumine. "How would you fix it? and how would I repay you?" you questioned Alastor yet again. "You'll have to wait and see my angel. And as for payment.." Alastor paused for a moment "Become my husband. After you die of course." He stated it so calmly and his eyes seemed to show actual.. love? "wha- but.. we just met like 2 weeks ago!" you whisper yelled while taking your hands from Alastor's "Yes I know my dear, but we have all the time in the world to get to know each other. And I must say I've grown rather fond of you. I don't quite understand how I feel but I know I don't want to loose you my sweet boy" Alastor gave a genuine smile, a more relaxed one, still toothy but sweet. "Well.. I don't want to make a deal if it binds me to you. I'm not even sure I like men." you chuckled softly while rubbing the back of your neck. "That's quite alright my angel. It wouldn't be right to force you into a relation ship with a soul binding deal simply to rid you of the one that harms you. Despite being a demon with a love for pure chaos I am still a gentleman. so I suppose I could rid you of Lumine without making you sign a contract. After all what kind of potential husband would I be not too." Alastor stated confidently as a laugh track played on his microphone staff. "A hell of a husband that's for sure." you laughed as you slapped your knee. Alastor didn't quite get the joke at first but once he realized he and you shared a laugh.

(Your POV)

It was nearing 5:30 and Al always stayed till 9 pm. For some reason it always made me sad when he needed to leave. Currently I was scrolling on my phone and Al was reading a book as he had his head in my lap and I was leaning on the headboard of my bed. I was getting tired but I didn't want Al to notice because I wanted him to stay his full time, but unfortunately I let out a yawn and Al put a book mark in his book before he sat up on the bed and took my phone and sat it on the night stand next to my radio. "Al-" I tried to say before he stopped me "shush my sheik. I'll stay. Just rest." Alastor said as he slipped off his shoes and placed them carefully on the floor next to the bed before climbing up to lay next to me. I tried to speak again but he just put a finger over my mouth and covered me with the blanket and had his shadow turn off the light. 

(Alastor's POV)

I watched as my darling Y/n slowly fell asleep and I stayed there and read some more for at least 30 minutes before I got up and started making food for my angel. Another 30 minutes later and I had successfully made my darling y/n some gumbo with extra spice. After taking it to his room I made a food tray appear and put the gumbo onto it and sat the tray on his nightstand. He seemed so precious being asleep apart from his odd (position of laying) but it was precious none the less. Shortly after I put his food on the tray and got back into his bed my darling started to stir awake. "Al~" He said softly with a hint of tiredness in hid voice. "Al? Is that a nickname my dear?" I asked him at I teleported the tray on his lap as he sat up. *We've gotten so close these last 2 weeks. I must admit I'd never thought I'd ever feel this way for a woman... much less a man. But there's no denying my feelings now I suppose.* I thought to myself as I silently watched Y/n eat the food I had made him. "Oh god this is amazing Al!" he exclaimed as he quickly finished the gumbo. "I'm glad you enjoyed it my dear. it's one of the many recipe's my mother once made!" I gleefully said. 

(Your POV)

I looked at the clock on my wall and realized it was already 6:30 meaning me and Al only had 2 hours and 30 minutes left before he had to leave back to hell to help with some hotel he mentions very little of. Alastor had went to the kitchen to clean the bowl he put my food in so I decided to get out of bed and go meet him in the kitchen. After I put on some slippers and made my way down the all and down the stairs to the kitchen to see Alastor putting away the bowl in it's designated cabinet. "Oh hello my sweet~" Al said in that enchanting static voice I enjoyed so much. "Hi Alastor." I took a moment to think. "You wanna go on a walk with me? I'm bored and I don't want to waste our time together." I said looking away feeling a bit embarrassed. *A WALK Y/N!! A WALK REALLY??? THATS ALL YOU COULD THINK OF?!!* I mentally cursed at myself. "Of course my dear its late so I don't think many  people will be up and out to question me and my dashing appearance." he said confidently. "Well many people dress up in costumes now days anyway so I don't think they will give you a second glance. Also we could walk in the park nearby. Its always quiet and it being dark there shouldn't be anyone there." I stated with a smile as I headed back to my room the get dressed. 

(Wow 1001 Words!!!)

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