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The outside scene was kinda DARK....People were talking to their shadows like their friend maybe they treat their shadows like friends so maybe they're friends.....So maybe I'm not sure NO ONE IS LONELY HERE💀

It was night time {#onlyforme}, shops were opened, people were chit-chatting (not only from their shadows but from people as well) like it was a quite a crowded area. It doesn't feel like it's night tbh only the sky was upset not the people....🤌🏻

So, basically I did no preparation for my organic chemistry test and I went to my school..✨[#becauseihadto]

So, my classroom no. was 49 but here it was 94....I  had literally no idea about my classroom so I  followed up the class sections yeah...🤡 (took me about 10 minutes) You know what I'm saying....

So, I just casually sat down on the bench (I was a frontbencher but here back was front🙂‍↕️) Suddenly I noticed GUESS WHAT..? Hm.....
Hm.....Time over! So the answer is MY SNAKES 🐍 GoD....I had no words, what tf did I just saw?

~*iMaGiNe SeEiNg YoUr ClAsSmAtEs In ThE oPpOsItE gEnDeR*~


Then my physics teacher came to our class. She turned into a TALL AND HAIRY MAN! Idk why but she was looking handsome~~~👀 {my mom too} but my mom was clean-shaved so yeah she was fair skinned but my physics teacher skin tone is kinda brownish but yeah I accept she? He? Whatever looking nice....

Like you know? Their voices SOLID! COOL..!

Wait, what about ECA? I forget about her.. LETS ASK WHAT'S SHE IS DOING...!

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